However I got Domitia costume at the last event. I already had her Regular at max +7 so just nearing completion of her costume and had a thought. Should I swap out Clarissa from my current raid defence team for Domitia in costume. Any thoughts
Benefit to Domitia is that it removes the competition for paladin emblems & thus your defence emblems could get quite high.
Costume Domitia is better than normal one IMO…
I would say, FOR NOW, that costume Domitia is better as it will allow you to pump all the emblems into Telluria… but LATER when you have maxed Telluria emblems & are working on Clarissa, that Clarissa is the better option…
I had to do the exact same thing. Telluria is eating all my Paladin emblems at least until she gets to lvl 18 on the talent grid. Then, I start giving emblems to Clarissa. Until then, Clarissa is used in certain situations and Domitia gets more play and Rogue emblems.