I’m struggling on what to do. I have sixteen 5* heroes but they are really…idk. I’ve been playing the game for almost two years and I’ve been lucky, judging from others post, I guess. Really struggling. Especially with noor.
Welcome to the forum.
Red wilbur - falcon
Purple proteus- tibs
Yellow gretal - mist -
Green almur - ceadom
Blue Triton- grimnn
Thats who I’d level first then next. Gotta enough healers
First of all, focus, try to level a hero per color. Otherwise you won´t get all the strenght for them. You have a lot of work to do:
If you haven´t checked it already go to heroplan.io It´s an online plattform to help you to manage your heroes.
Sort them by color so you can have better overall vision of your roster.
About a level priority: You have a lot of heroes already started, may not the best ones, now you have to take into consideration the materials you have to level them.
Finishing the heroes closest to the peak will clear your mind a little: So I´d chase those who can be leveled without spending high tier ascending materials forgetting those who are not in 3rd ascension level:
Purple: Clarissa and Alfrike to 3.70. If can´t ascend any of her go for Tiburtus or Bera.
Yellow: Mist, Gretel and Gullinbursti.
Green: Kashrekk is not very useful at your level, I´d level him since you have spent all materials on it. May buy time to gather more resources. Then Get Kadilen to 3.70.
Blue: Raffaele to 3.70. If can´t ascend go for Triton.
Red Finish Azlar.
You should update with your ascension mats so we can be more accurate giving advise. But I guess you are empty of compasses and damascus…
As for defense team:
Magni, C-Rigard, Buddy, Azlar, Joon
You have some amazing heros.
I’m wondering if you might need to move to an alliance with really knowledgeable players. I know when I first started playing, being amongst great players helped me to avoid many pitfalls others have shared stories of on the forum. Check out alliance recruitment - there’s always a need for active daily players.
Belatedly, welcome.
Rainbow levelling your hero’s is a great idea, and you already have a number of 4* levelled.
Totally agree with @Dudeious.Maximus suggestions. Although green I’d level Heimdall looking for a sturdy future tank.
Def I’d try…
C. Rigard, Magni, Buddy, Marjana /Azlar, Joon
Thank you. That helps. Was getting so frustrated. I play every day abs love it. Just trying to understand the strategy more. I keep getting all of these five stars and all I see on the forums is LEVEL ANY FIVE STAR. But then I read how horrible they are… lol. I’m like WHAT DO I DO!?.. lol. Thank you.
Thank you, I’ll definitely work on Big H. Here’s one of my Favs
Update my ascension mats? How do I do that?
I meant edit the thread with your ascension mats stock. This way people can help you considering how many heroes you can max.