Help please with leveling

Hi all I am needing some help I have enough mats to ascend at least one of each element. I need to prioritize them I have pics of my current leveled here

And these are ones I started or want to start but need help with

And these are ones I have and need to know if they are worth leveling or should they be considered for next soul exchange. I appreciate any thoughts or guidance.
Have a good one :blush:

Looks like you recently changed your spending habits quite significantly… I guess your problem went from having nothing useful to level to having to choose between all the OP monsters :smiley:
Well I like the first row of 3-70s, No reason not to max any of them, maybe not the slow red fox as first red. Bearnie is the current meta red I guess…

If you need sould for SE sort by power and start from the bottom. Unless you have or want to pick up a costume for one of those from the outfitter to make them strong.
Also 2024 hotm are all junk and don´t have costumes in the outfitter so those are prime candidates for SE.

Great thanks much appreciated

Rust, Livia, Rashan, Grimsteel, Bhaltair, Ghealach, Mr Pengi, Astrid, Whitefang, Armand, Bearnadette, Dubhan, Thura, Dark Lord

Thank you I feel like most are good but then there’s ones better than others. They seem to fade quickly