Level Up question RED

Dear Players!
I would really appreciate your help with the following question:

I was lucky to get 2 strong Red heroes, i need advice who would be the first to level up. (out of rings and other mats)
I want to use the hero for attack and defence too.
The 2 candidates are:

So please vote for the best choice :slight_smile:
If someone could create a vote, i would be grateful.
Thank you :slight_smile:

  • Gestalt
  • Brimstone
0 voters

I’m in the same boat :blush: so I’d love to see the results

I have c-Marjana for EDD but it’s still a tough choice

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I’m going with Brimstone @Ractapsas

Can’t pass that EDD and he will be great in a red stack! You can’t go wrong with either

Both will be maxed eventually

Enjoy your heroes :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thank You @Luna for the poll and the help :slight_smile: Thanks everbody for voting :slight_smile: Now just have to hunt some rings…

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