Help me with yellows and greens

Hello everyone.

I am currently using Leonidas +19 in yellow. Recently i got C. Drake Fong and Akkorog. Which one should i ascend first? Akkorog or C. Drake Fong?

And using C. Cadilen +19 in my team. Also have C. Francine and Telluria. Which one should i ascend first?

Other heroes in my team are C. Thorne +15, Obakan +17 and C. Sabina +20 85lvl.

Unfortunetly i dont have any good reds. Recently i got Guardian Kong but i am not sure he is worthy for the rings.

Thank you for your opinions

I would go with Fong. Akkorog can do a little damage but it’s so unreliable. There are as many instances as the shuffle works against you as there are better for you. While I don’t have Fong, one of my accounts has an Akkorog I’ve never ascended past 2/60 because he’s so frustrating to use.

Green… I’d go Francine unless you need Telluria as a tank. She’s a more versatile hero.

I don’t have Kong but I’d probably not use the rings on him. I could be very wrong though.

Definitivly drake for yellow.

In your shoes I would focus on Costume Drake Fong first.
Telluria makes a decent tank (still) so if you are short of a green tank that’s a +. Other than that I would go with Francine
Whichever heroes you choose good luck

Drake will be better on offense and defense for you over Leo. Akk is a good hero, Drake is a beast.

Thanks everyone. First i will go with Drake and Francine then. Still not sure about Telluria and Guardian Kong tho. For red spot maybe i should wait another 5.

As far as G. Kong goes, I’m fond of mine. He hits all hard, cleanses, which is still pretty rare in red, and increases protection from blue. He is not suitable for defence though. If in doubt, wait until you’ve got enough or at least nearly enough rings for the inevitable game-changing red that will come along as soon as you’ve used the last ones on Kong.

This is sooo true :slight_smile: have 10 rings right now. I am little bit unlucky when its comes to the picking 5 stars. Kong is the only red i got in 1year :slight_smile:

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