Hello people. I have kind of a mess with my roster.
i have recently received JF and Richard, plus Vela who i got last month waiting for being maxed. However i still decided to give priority to enchance my 4* army.
Maxed: Proteus, Rigard, Sabina
Waiting: Ameona, Rigard (costumed), Tiberius
What do u think, who is more suitable to receive traps tool. Tibs? which i dont have costume or a second rigard with costume? I dont know the viability of having two rigards.
Maxed: Boldtusk, Gormek
Waiting: Lancelot, Colen, 2nd Gormek, 2nd Boldtusk
Maxed: Grimm and sonya
Waiting: 2nd and 3th Grimm, Triton, Valeria
Maxed: Kashhrek and Little john
Waiting: Melendor asap, Gaderius, Gobbler
Maxed: Li xiu, Hu tao
Waiting: Wu Kong asap only left one orb , 2nd hu tao, 2nd li and chao
So, I have now 11 maxed 4* star. I want to add at least one more in each color.
Do you agree with these choices?
Wu kong, Melendor asap
And the battle would be
2nd rigard vs tibs
Lancelot vs Colen vs 2nd boldtusk