Help me select the next 2 blue heroes to final ascend

So, here’s my conundrum. I have 12 scopes to use on 2 of the 5 heroes mentioned in the poll. I like all of them, I think they’re all very useful in their own right, so it’s very hard to choose. As for Aino, I have only 2 5* blue healers, vanilla Ariel and Alexandrine. I’m leaning towards Adalinda for pick nr.1, but maybe a bunch of votes can help me out here. Thanks in advance.

  • Adalinda
  • Gaillard
  • Tinsel
  • C. Aino
  • Firmin Richard
0 voters

Thanks to everyone who put in their vote. I will go for Adalinda and Firmin Richard. The others, plus C. Finley will have to wait at 3/70.