Advice on 5* blue ascension

Hi all,

I’m having some dilemma here with regards to blue ascension especially because I only have one set of telescopes left to ascend one 5* blue and will probably take a long while until I get another set to ascend another.

Some information that I hope would help:

  • I’m a F2P player.
  • 5* heroes which I have ascended:
    Red - Costumed Elena (LB)
    Blue - Magni, Skadi
    Green - Kadilen
    Yellow - Vivica, Uraeus
    Purple - Sartana
  • Notable 4* healer heroes that I have:
    • Costumed Kiril (partially emblemed)
    • Costumed Boldtusk (partially emblemed)
    • Costumed Rigard (partially emblemed)
    • Melendor, Sabina

With that in mind, I wonder if you could please vote (and hopefully with some insights as well as to why you think I should ascend that hero would be greatly appreciated):

  • Isarnia
  • Alexandrine
  • Costumed Alasie

0 voters

Personally, i’m not really considering Isarnia given I don’t have a costume for her. So for me, the choice would be between Alexandrine and Costumed Alasie.

I have the emblems to max C.Alasie, and maybe only enough to get Alexandrine to +10 (will have to work on getting her to +20).

But given that 2021 HOTM bonus will hit soon, and that 5* healers are hard to come by for F2P, and the fact that the forum community has rated Alexandrine as one of the best 2021 HOTM heroes (2021 HOTM - Best Heroes), I’m now having second thoughts on whether I should push on with C.Alasie or give the scopes to Alexandrine instead.

Any thoughts or comments would be greatly appreciated! :smiley:
If you would like more information on the other heroes I have (those not yet ascended), let me know and I’m happy to post them here.

Thank you!!

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C-Alasie. Mana Control! It’s close, but I love that part of her special

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In your shoes all three heroes would be very useful for damage / mana control, healing, Titan etc.
But personally I think you would use Costume Alasie much more because she is very versatile.
Whichever hero you choose good luck

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I voted Alexandrine.

For f2p good healers are rare and Alexandrine does a good job.
I don’t know if you have jott, but if not she is also definitely better for titans.
And with skadi and Magni you already have 2 good damage dealers in blue and with skadi even some kind of Manacontroll, kill some minions and the rest of the fight those enemies will be slow

The only thing, Alexandrine probably works on 3.70 too, especially for titans, whereas alasie must be max to be useful as a sniper.

So good luck with whatever you choose, and I can guarantee you in the end you will max both. As f2p you will get your scopes eventually, and most f2p end with much more mats than heroes.

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I think c Alasie is by far the best and most versatile.

For Alexandrine i don’t like the fact, that her healing can be very poorly if there are not enough blue tiles. The job of a healer can also be done by your 4*. For titans a 3/70 Alexandrine is also good enough.

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Thanks for the replies so far.

C.Alasie looking like the clear favourite out here.

@ferg, I do not have Jott, so I’ve been using Alexandrine at 3.70 for titans - she seems alright but is definitely quite squishy. She’d usually survive if she could cast her special first and with her link skill, C.Kiril would heal her up. Otherwise, she dies about 50% of the time (okay maybe lesser), and this is for 7-9* titans. Oh, and good point about Skadi having some form of mana control (forgot about that although it’s situational).

@Japtrian I definitely agree about the blue tiles, especially when the team is relying on her as the sole healer. So far when I’ve used her, I’m averaging around 25-30% heal (I hardly get to cast again when her link skill is in effect), which in my opinion is quite meh for a 5* healer. It’s also unfortunate that she doesn’t cleanse/dispel in some ways where most healers do to support their team.

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C-alasie hands down, I have her at 3.70 so I haven’t played with her past just testing in friendly battles but she is amazing on offense. I suspect she will be good on defense as a wing as well given her damage and class. Alexandrine can be used for titans at 3.70 until you get more scopes. Both are deserving given your roster but alasie will benefit your progress more at this stage imo. Hope that helps.

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Main reason for c. Alasie is that while alexandrine is good c. Kirill is a very good substitute for a 5* healer especially if you lb him and you can save the scopes for something you can’t get in 4* like alasie c


another vote for C-Alasie - Alexandrine is good, but C-Kiril can sub as a Blue healer for now. And C-Kiril also provides defense down.

C-Alasie on the other hand adds mana control, which none of your other 5*s can do.


Thanks all for your input!! Much appreciated.

I’ll go ahead with C Alasie as recommended by most of you here :slight_smile: