I feel like I am getting killed too easily in wars. can I get some expert advice on how to improve my war defense team?
edit: forgot to mention, we use blue tanks.
my current team is:
and my relevant roster is:
I feel like I am getting killed too easily in wars. can I get some expert advice on how to improve my war defense team?
edit: forgot to mention, we use blue tanks.
my current team is:
and my relevant roster is:
Well you got two holy and two fire so they are just using a blue-dark stack.
I would use Sartana instead of Joon and put Frida in between Santa and Boldtusk.
Definitely agree - Santa as tank and go with a 2-1-1-1 team. Using a 2-2-1 team is asking to be hit with a stack
blue war tank lol
Your war defense team is too easy to take down by stacking blue or purple. Both hit Frida for neutral damage and can easily dispose of one side to ghost tiles.
Onatel | Saint Nick | Frida | Kadilen | Joon
I’d go with that instead.
that is a good point. didnt occur to me
Joon Santa Frida Kadilen Sartana would be decent. Swap in Liana for Kadi’s spot when maxed
In my honest opinion my line up would include:
Kadilen and
so you guys not fans of healers in war defense?
I will try Ona-Santa-Frida-Kad-Joon(and then Sartana). will see this war I am doing better
thanks for input!
Joon Boldie Frida Santa Sarta
I run Ariel in defence flanking GM and works well but a healer is not essential in a raid defence, can be more handy in war defence though
A post was split to a new topic: War defence - plsase. Help