I have currently 4 hidden blades. Shall I give it to Elena for third tier (3/70) or fully ascend Gormek, Sir Lancelot, or Sumitomo? I also have Santa at 3/70 but I would require 4 more rings to fully ascend him to 4/80.
What do you think? Shall I wait for the rings for Santa or start a new red hero project?
For Red heroes, I have these fully ascended - Marjana (+7), Anzogh, Boldtusk, Wilbur, Kelile.
I’d ascend Sir Lancelot personally, he’s got high attack, although he’s very squishy too (but so is Elena). The attack boost is very welcome though, as as is the mana speed boost to help keep your Boldtusk, Wilbur, etc. firing their skills. A great hero for challenge events, particularly when it comes to Epic tier.
Hold your rings for Saint Nick. It’s true that he’s thought of as a good tank most of the time, but his support on offense is great too: can’t be mad when he comes with a meatshield to all allies + great defense drop to all enemies.
Just picked up BT this morning from a TC20. Gormek 3.38 had been my red project. Do I shelve him and start on BT immediately, or should I take him up to 3.60 (or higher) first before switching? My only other 4* heroes are Rigard+4 and Kash 3.60 (fwiw Rigard seems fine right now for epic Pirates because his tile damage is so low, the reflect really doesn’t bother me).
Also, I have 13 blades. BT obviously gets 4, but what do I do with the rest of them? Assuming Wilbur doesn’t show up at Atlantis, do I advance Gormek and Colen? Both Gormeks? Both Colens? Gormek is my only pulveriser brother so far.
I would finish Gormek first, then move on to Boldtusk.
The only reason I recommended Lancelot > Gormek above was because CJCJ already has Wilbur, who is better than Gormek in nearly every situation.
Defense down is a very valuable ailment to have; paired with attack up buffs (i.e. Boldtusk) you can increase your titan damage greatly, and take down tough bosses quickly and efficiently. This is particularly true for Challenge events and Atlantis hard mode.
EDIT: if you’re hoping for Wilbur, you could just work on Boldtusk first instead. If you don’t get Wilbur, then go ahead and ascend Gormek.
I’d say Lancelot is the pick here for you. Gormek is pretty superfluous since you have Wilbur. I’d wait on Elena until you have rings for her and are sure she’s who you want to spend them on. As for Sumitomo, I find him to be just massively underwhelming.