I am losing many Raids and Special Event battles because I have a weak Healer Hero… I use Hawkmoon because she is fully leveled up does a pretty good job now that I fully leveled her Costume.
I will add screenshots of all my Heros and some advice for which one I should level up to replace Hawkmoon. I certainly will keep her for the 3* Hero events but I feel she is holding me back from winning levels where my Hero Teams need a better Healer in the lineup.
Any help or advice you can give to a FTP member would be greatly appreciated!
I have saved up 800 Gems (I know that is not a lot) but for me it is being FTP… what next Event Summon should I save them for?
Please consider adding Sabina to the list and I’m crossing my fingers that you pull her costume.
Nice roster and Good luck!
May the portals show you kindness!
Thanks for the advice! Lord Loki was from my Fated Summon!! Boy did that take a lot of 3* duplicate Hero’s to get! I was able to get him levels up last week to where he is now.
Peppermint is really the BEST! The Minions she casts are such a huge benefit and I have her in all of my Teams! Yesterday I was able to get my last Royal Tabard needed to get to level 5! So that was exciting! I have two costumes for Boldtusk and seeing I do not have the Limit Break materials for him, I will start to level up one costume at a time.
Kitty seems like she could be a good Healer but I have not come across many Raid Teams where she have been in… so I just assumed most players stay away from leveling her up???