I am struggling to create a Raid Team that can win…
Below is my roster and the Top 5 Hero’s (sorted by power) are the ones I use during Titan Raids because I can usually make it through those battles without a Healer or have the need to heal before the time runs out.
During “normal” level play I take Sonya out and add Faiez for my Healer and rely on Peppermint to give my team her Minions to help protect the team.
In my Hero Roster is there any Health/Healer I can level up to replace Faiez? Or suggestions to change my “normal” attack team?
Obviously I am a FTP & will not spend a dime for a game and I know that limits the whole strategy and game play, but I see no point to waste money when the game is fairly entertaining without spending $$$…
Any help or feedback would greatly appreciated!
This is the right way of thinking.
About raids:
Try to level and emblem Lord Loki, it truly shines if you are fighting heroes with better special than yours.
If you lack heroes with very impactful specials then try to use more heroes of the same element to have a chance to charge more of them at the same time and to deal more damage with the tiles.
Try to bring heroes that counters the ones you are facing.
It’s normal to struggle without many options due to unleveled heroes.
Finish Loki…he is great.
Finish Dawn and level Nordri.
Finish Kitty.
Finish Bold Tusk.
Finish Chao and Wu Kong.
Finish Junaid, Grimm, Griffin.
Lady Woolerton is a fast healer.
Rigard and Sabina are excellent multipurpose healers.
You concentrated way to much on your 5* heros.
A solid core of 3* and 4* heros helps a lot to get the mats to level the 5* heros.
Concerning leveling I would advise color feeding 5 heros, one in every color, at the time.
This is slower in the short run but faster in the long run and the game is a marathon!
Normally it is better to level 3* heros with 1* heros until their special is maxed.
Wish you lots of fun and may the RNG goods be with you!
You want to build a raid DEFENCE team or raid ATTACK team? they should be separate and different.
What I see strange is that as a F2P you have a huge load of unlevelled 4* heroes. My experience is that an F2P is getting higher-level heroes much slower than can train them
That’s easy question: Boldtusk, Rigard, Sabina, Ana-Belle, Lady Wool. MAybe Junaid should be also included in this cathegory. Maybe (costumed)Kashhrek is worth considering as a defence tank.
For attack using rainbow team is not very effective. You don’t seem to heve enough ascended heroes to build mono attack teams, but try 3-2 settings.
For example Scarlett-Scoratek-Boldtusk-Chao-Dante against purple tank.
Next thing - don’t leave hero training before a hero is fully ascended, you have a lot of partially trained heroes, that ate some resources byt are still not usable. That means for 4*/5* heroes don’t start training if you don’t have ascension mats for them.
Faiez is probably your best healer. If you limit break him he’s as good as Sabina and Rigard. And he’s a lot faster to emblem up. He’s amazing!
Focus on one team for now. Level them to the max. Don’t spread the experience around.
LB2 Faiez is best 3* (boosted) healer and is deff buffer, ailment protector and also cleanser-partly-by-passive . He is very universal and as far as i know, not even 4* has these many abilities … His weakness is that he is slow so need other heroes to protect him while waiting to fire
The closet better alternative of yours should be Kitty who also not only protect ailments but reflect them to enemies … This skill is so rare and you are bless to have her. And with good mana troop, Kitty can be fire in 9 tiles (almost fast)
Combine Kitty with Costumed Sabina, you can also prevent enemies to have buff, so these two together can be super effective
Alternatively, AnaBelle is 2-in-1 … She can both cleans and dispel at the same time, and the Healed HP is about the best in the game (up to 65%) … However, she needs timing not to clean your own buff so may be used mainly on Offence
Thanks for the positive advice! I now have some options that make me feel like the Heroes I have are worth keeping.
I was going to use both Ana-bel and Sabina to level up Peppermint because of high amount of resources it takes to level her up.
I use my main team in order to get the resources needed to level it up, but I guess I need to work on a strong 3* team?
This game is hard to figure out strategy and I get frustrated daily, but I keep playing because it is entertaining!
I will keep everyone’s advice in mind going forward!
Happy Hunting!
The only issue with costumed Sabina and Kitty is that they both give Heal over time so they overwrite each other.
@Lonster007 just to echo everyone else - you e got a decent enough roster. 3 and 4 star heroes are the bedrock of this game. And with limit breaks, some of the 3* and 4* can be competitive with 5*.
Everyone else has given you a good idea of who. I’m jealous of your C2Boldtusk.
Good luck!
He might be as good as Rigard and Sabina but he does not give the same abilities.
A lot of 4* can be useful in the right situation. I know it takes a lot of patience for the 5*, but even if you only feed them 1* to 3* heroes they will eventually get there