Has Aegir improved? Fighting Aegir tanks in raids

I’ve been noticing more players using Aegir as tanks in raids. He seems harder to eliminate since the talents were added. What’s up? Any thoughts on how to take down Aegir?

And should I be focusing on maxing my own Aegir to use him as a tank?

Improved? i dont think so. We have to wait for version 20 which is supposed to be dropping soon.
Sure the paladin class is helping a bit, but that is not him being what a HOTM supposed to be, its just a class that every other paladin has and can have perks on it.

Fighting him is the usual, no greens [and no reds hopefully] and stack against his weak flank[s], charge him, make him use his special and throw tiles [and specials] into those flanks.

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I am not sure if the current aegir is good as defender. There are just so many debuffers and mad hatters (buff stealing). Also Aegir does not punish for farming specials on him. Also his damage sharing is not so effective against multiple targets (it does help with armor sharing so fortifies squisies, without directly using an armor buff)

I get negative results putting him in my defence team.

He would be more effective if his special lasted for 4 moves

It will not help him. It should increase the normal defense and, for example, heal from the damage inflicted on the skills.

Spiritlink to all and share healing from damage from all will take him up many notches.

Now that Aegir got a decent buff, he’s my new favorite hero. I paired him with Wu Kong, all allies get 100% heal of the tile damage of Wu’s attack buff, that, to me is huge. Plus the shared damage across the board, AND +30% defense to everyone, AND elemental link that can’t be dispelled. I thought he was hard to kill before the buff in raids, and now he’s even better. Yes, I agree that any dispeller will take away his buffs, but, he’s still super useful as an offense hero. :wink:

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Welcome to the forums GenFam. he has definitely improved, and I intend to take him to max after I’m done with Frida. Combining him with someone that can increase tile damage sound like a bright play to me.

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Yes, is a pretty decent hero now. Using him as tank I can hold 2500 trophies.

Titan Apocalypse @littleKAF can testify to how tough Aegir is at tank . We are currently fighting them this war and he’s been a beast.