Hard choice: Colen or Boldtusk

Hands down that it has to be Boldtusk.

BT stacks with Wu.

Colen is better as your 2nd or 3rd red 4*.


Boldtusk is solid on defense and offense.

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I had the same choice a couple of months ago and went with Colen. Iā€™d just pulled Rigard, who heals more than Boldtusk and thought that I didnā€™t need to field 2 healers at the same time. I am also direct-attack-oriented. I havenā€™t regretted it. My Boldtusk is still at 3.60

I did Boldtusk before Colen. Colen is great if he can get one attack in and he rarely gets more before he is taken out. In the beginning I feared fights against Colen but no longerā€¦ If you have a hard hitter and healer combination in your team then it easy to deal with Colen. I have Boldtusk now on +14 and he is a rock still worthy of playing in my A team in raids, tournaments and wars. I have no regrets to have taken him first to the top. Remember Boldtusk boosts all allies attack, he is like having a healer and an additional attacker in your team.


Since he already has a maxed Boldie, Colen will be a nice addition for him. My 2nd Boldie waits and waits for all those other cool reds with other specials. The day for a 2nd Boldie may come, but heā€™s no priority now.


Is it really a question?

I have both of them, of course I leveled BT before Colen, and the latter wonā€™t stand any chance without BTā€¦


If you watch you tube high end raiding with boril it shows you need 2 healers. BT is also under top 10 4* and a must have in long run, wars and titans.

Wont regret itšŸ˜œ


Guys, help me with this too. Which one you will ascend Kelile, Colen or Gormek (rigth now Iā€™m working on Wilbur, but canā€™t decide which fire that Iā€™d work on next)?

I did Kelile first, then Gormek. Colen is still waiting for his time, he came to me so late I had better heroes to work with.

I choose Kelile over Gormek because I already had Grimm so sniper was more useful than another pulverizer. I still use Kelile time to time, but Gormek has been a bit of disappointment, not as good as Grimm I think.


Iā€™d raise Kelile. Thanks, Aunty.

Sincerely, Your niece :blush:

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The one and only Boldtusk :smiley:

Personally, Iā€™d go with Gormek, but Iā€™m a bit biased because he was my first maxed red and is still my best red. Yes, he hits like a wet noodle, but he has tons of HP, so heā€™s very hearty and likely to fire unless someone stacks hard against him. Thatā€™s 6 turns of valuable def down. Now, he becomes a lot less valuable to you with Wilbur (who I donā€™t have), but on defense, heā€™s heartier than Wilbur or Grimm. There is still alliance war where you need six teams, and a def down on each team is nice. There are also barbarian class trials where, even if you also have Grimm, you can fire Gormek first, then fire Grimm at an enemy with compromised defense, which improves his already substantial attack.

Kelile is kind of a ā€œjill-of-all-trades, master-of-noneā€. I have her maxed, but sheā€™s definitely below Gormek in my pecking order. The fast mana is nice, for sure, but I find her a bit fragile.

Iā€™ve almost maxed my first Colen, and so far, his usefulness has been limited to the current raid tournament (very fast mana for everyone), stacking against green titans (his DoT overwrites Kelileā€™s, and vice versa, but Iā€™m short on reds), and late war teams (I fired Ulmer+Colen last time to fairly devastating effect).


Kelile over Colen, Boldtusk over all red epics.

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Wow, then going to raise them 3/60 and I would see which one going have 4 hid-blades.

Thanks btw guys :slight_smile:

Boltusk because his attack buff stacks with Wu Kong and if you red stack a lot, then he can add to tile damage.

What about sir Lancelot as a second red for war

Or make two bt?

I have six healers if I include anzogh

Easy choice Boldtusk is the answer


Still BT of course. My Lancelot still 1/1.

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I have Lancelot +14 and a baby Boldtusk, newly-pulled.

Boldtuskk is easier to use, can put him anywhere and he heals + boosts attack for all.

Lance is good for variety. His offense is good, and I also use him to boost the mana regen of key heroes (usually Proteus, Seshat, Sabina or Kiril). But he requires a bit more thought to use (you need a bit of good timing to know when to benefit most from Lanceā€™s mana regen; and you need to choose which two of your heroes you want to prioritize).


Boldtusk for me. I have him and will work on him after i finish rigard