Hanitra or Guardian Gazelle

Which one of two should I max? I like them both. With Gazelle I would finally get rid of Wukong and with Han I would get strong support for my second hollies. Thanks in advance!

  • Hanitra
  • Guardian Gazelle
  • Wait for better hero

0 voters

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Gazelle all day every day. Complete monster and for so much more than titans.


Gazelle. I went Defense HP. Absolutely amazing titan and offensive hero. She’s my next yellow I’m going to LB. I was lucky enough to pull a 2nd Gazelle and she’s one of those rare heroes I’ll max the second copy for wars.


I have both maxed and use Gazelle way more often. Her skill is basically an easy mode, do more damage, suffer less, with complete immunity to ailments. Very useful hero.


Gazelle is one of the best offensive/Titan/challenge event hero. Pair her with anybody and you melt your opponents while being invincible. Hands down gazelle.


Thanks guys, I appreciate your help. Gazelle is an absolute winner :trophy::trophy::trophy:


Can’t go much better than Gazelle. I mean she’s absolute trash for defense, but for everything else she’s superstar. Including titans.



Say it altogether…

it depends on your roster

Loot to get loot

Generic Gazelle

Mega damage multiplier ( see notes )

Active special skill

Depending on roster, costumes, emblems, and aethers, better than Wu Kong b^4^75+18

Always better than Ranvir ( desperately needs a buff )

Generic Hanitra

Does nothing against mobs

Only useful against Elite mobs, Bosses, and raid/ war/ tournament attack teams, and defense teams

Reactive special skill, so timing, and RNG dependent


(Titan Damage Boosters: Miki vs. Tarlak vs. Ranvir vs. Wu Kong vs. Guardian Gazelle)


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Without any thought it is Gazelle.
She and W Rabbit are the 2 most desired heros that i have always wanted. She is just amazing on titans and events and raids. I would even do an 2nd Gaz instead of Hanitra

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I really like my hanitra, but i voted gazelle. Not sure the reason… Just a gut feeling.


Hanitra ir awesome but Gazelle… Probably the best holy hero in the game. A superstar.

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The 5% that said Hanitra is just trolling you. Nobody in their right mind would go Hanitra over Gazelle!