H2H: Furdinand v. Willow [6 poll questions for friendly debate]

For the sake of doing something fun & different (though maybe only for me lol), I thought I’d offer a platform to facilitate a little friendly debate on 2 great heroes.

In one corner, everyone’s favorite lunchbox slinging witch, Willow :mage:. In the other, the cutest rescue dog in the land, Furdinand :dog:.

Willow :vs: Furdinand (1)

I see them both quite a bit in defenses … raid & war alike. I myself enjoy using them both in various aspects of the game.

But, where does one shine better than the other? :sunglasses:
Or, is there a clear favorite out there among you? :hugs:

Here are :six: questions to see how they stack up. Clearly, some are hypothetical for the fun of it. Plus, there are various permutations I could have done for each question, but I decided to keep it simple (aka binary). Feel free to add your insights. Extra points for humor.

:thinking: Who is more likely to cause you to reroll if you see them on a raid defense?

  • Furdinand
  • Willow
0 voters

:thinking: Who would you be more likely to build an offensive attack team around to utilize their strengths?

  • Furdinand
  • Willow
0 voters

:thinking: Whose class better suits their skillset (the total package :package:)?

  • Furdinand (Cleric)
  • Willow (Druid)
0 voters

:thinking: If the game offered you a free auto-ascend to get 1 of them to 2LB+20, who gets the bump?

  • Furdinand
  • Willow
0 voters

:thinking: Which one is more likely to single-handedly turn a battle in your favor (offense or defense)?

  • Furdinand
  • Willow
0 voters

:thinking: If you were starting a brand new account and could take 1 of these 2 heroes as a starter hero already fully leveled, which do you take?

  • Furdinand
  • Willow
0 voters

Thank you for entertaining me & playing along. Happy gaming! :cupcake: