Guardian Chameleon instead of Wu?

Hi. Long term F2P here. I am still stuck using Wu Kong for titans. I hate missing.

I was wondering if Guardian Chameleon is a reasonable all-be-it complicated replacement for standard titans. I already know he is viable for mythic.

I’ve been considering him in Soul Exchange but if he ends up only really being useful on mythic titans I’m sure I’ll feel regret.

G. Chameleon is a good deal in SE, as you can see in the SE Master thread many players are choosing him.

His attack up of +54% combined with +36% critical chance = a good buff

You will have to master using him with appropriate heroes for Titan hits or any other play… bcoz of the hero colour change he creates.

  • There are Youtube videos of some players who have used him.
  • If you get him, you could tryout combos to learn - master how to use him yourself.

Finally, any high buff giving hero useful against Mythic Titans is also useful against regular 14* or below titans… appropriately using that hero to create the desired impact is the key.

I have Chameleon at 3.70 & will soon give him the tonics after Garjammal (I got today from SE) & C. Lianna I have at 3/70…

Trust that clarifies.
Good luck with your choice !


I’m also thinking Garjammal, could you please share why you chose her?

Interested in this also, I was lucky enough to pull Garjammel from the portal yesterday!

@Ian487 @HunterKiller

Firstly, I have 11 out of the offered heroes : Rumple, Thor, Garjammal & Killhare were only options, if I wanted to do the exchange this time.

My logic was to avoid heroes who will sit on 3/70 & also choose the one that I have mats to level uo immediately & also should compliment my style of play.

  • I already have a strong = better 3/70 waiting list for Ice, Holy & dark, which means those heroes would be sitting at 3/70 for a while.
  • Also, I don’t find Rumple good enough for exchange.
  • Thor is good on 3rd charge but then, I can level up an existing dupe holy from my roster who is better.
  • Killhare is very good, but I have good dark option = Darklord who is better & I can use my EHTs to get Killhare with costume from Springwale portal later this month.
  • Garjammal was the only possible exchange of value & she fits my style of mainly offensive play = Snipes hard & self heals !

Hence, I chose Garjammal, on merit as a good hero from those offered.

Depends on what your roster requires, I would request you to chose & Garjammal is a good hero to have !


Cameleon stacks with Wu and his impact is not as big as the latter. No need to replace Wu for him. They are complementary.

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I wouldn’t want to use both.

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Any of them would be better than Wu Kong! He is too unreliable :rofl:

Just checking if you have pulled Bertulf. He could be equivalent/better than Wu.

Nope, he’s a replacement though for sure. Even though he’s a 3*, pull chance is low from that event… and you only get 1 free pull each time. :slight_smile:

GC is a bit of a tricky beast for regular titans, but is super helpful if you aren’t strong in that colour for a particular titan.

I think one of the reasons why he shines so much on MTs is because he negates the part of their special where they tank the value of a particular colour tile on the board. Using GC means it’s an entirely different colour of tiles that are valuable.

He’s tricky to use because he also debuffs the target of the ailments you’re applying - DD, EDD, silence, etc. So timing is key.

Great point, I’d literally forgot that. But the ability to apply debuffs reliably because of not missing would be amazing.

It’s a choice, but not logical or optimal. There has been a thread like that for Franz too. Wu is still useful.