Guardian Chameleon or Frigg. Who do you choose?

I don’t have G. Chameleon now. But, I can get it cause Soul Exchage is about to come, and I will choose Chameleon from the list. I got Frigg some days ago, and I made her 3.70, and then I collected all the AMs for green 5*.

Frigg is a great hero, I know it. But, I have costumed Kadilen for the defense team, and she got limit broken and fully emblemed. So, I don’t think I need another green 5* hero for the defense team.

Some of my alliance members told me that Frigg is very good for the defense, but she usually becomes meh for the offense team. When she’s ready to shoot, green tiles are already gone, so her attack and debuff is not that powerful.

I know G. Chameleon is niche, but I think I like the dispel, the crit & attack buff. And I think it will be fun to play with.

My maxed 5* green : costumed Kadilen (LB,+20), Tarlak(+20), Evelyn(+20), Heimdall, Francine (no costume,+20), Garjammal(+9), Lughaidh(+20, BTW, I like this one very much.), Atomos, Telluria, costumed Mother North(+19). And I have some 3.70s : costumed Elkanen, costumed Lianna, Zeline, Elradir, Balbar & Frigg.

Can you guys give some advice?

And I have some questions about G. Chameleon’s skill.

It removes even undispellable status effects from the enemies. Does this mean that it can clearly remove the WOLF family’s some buffs such as Ludwig’s taunt and Ferant’s counterattack despite the Wolf family bonus? And can G. Chameleon remove Lughaidh’s allies’ undispellable health boost and defense buff even while it’s in ghost form?

Thanks in advance.

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No question about it. Frigg all the way!!!


Odds are G. Chameleon will likely be in SE but no guarantees when it comes to E&P.

Still, IMHO I’d say Frigg is the better hero. Chameleon can be a fun hero to use, but Frigg is useful in more ways.

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Im with you g chameleon. Frigg is pretty meh in offense as you said.

Dispels are gold in todays meta and i believe he will be able to remove any undispellables like the wolf bonus buffs. Will also ve great vs somd titans and maybe events

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Very good questions. Here is the exact wordings on his card, still I’m interested to know any answers the experts have.


considering your green alredy in your possession I would probably choose G Cameleon, firstable the fun in a game is a good thing ^^ ; secondable the duo tarlak GC is just terrifying especelly when you add up your other green in the picture ^^

by the way I’m team Luigy all the way, mine is 19 and is on my everiday team love that card !!


Poll for voting:

  • Frigg
  • G. Chameleon
  • Elkanen (+ costume)
  • Lianna (+ costume)
  • Zeline
  • Elradir
  • Balbur
  • Other/ Wait.

0 voters

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Yes it will; however it is still limited by things like:

  • Taunt will protect allies & only remove taunt
  • Ghost Form cannot be affected (also can’t remove buffs from people in ghost form)

I would max wide useful heroes: Frigg or Zeline. Do you own emblems for any of them? They’re great.

I would ignore Elkanen forever due his mediocrity. If you max Elradir having those other great heroes you’ll end up never using him - that happenned to me even my roster being small. Don’t own Balbur but so far I can see where he could be great. Lianna and her costume are nice but snipers are not that cool nowadays anymore, hit all heroes like Frigg and Zeline are so much better at this point.

Hope it helps.

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Thank you for the poll!!

Thank you for the tips.

It helped me a lot. Thank you.

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Thank you very much for the tips, the poll and the advices.

In my honest opinion, I would focus on Frigg 100%.
I have her at +20 and with LB
She is great on both offence and defence
Whichever hero you choose good luck

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Thanks for your advice.

I get GC but i don’t see what áre the benefits, due at the moment to attack change all the strategy when You go as mono color , right now i see as usefull , y prefer 100% due works for attack and defense team .
Can some one explain to me the benefits of the GC additional to use a fun attack?

He requires strategy and a good team that compliments him as well.
His attack and crit up is insane when there is a tile cascade. His cleanse works so efficient on the meta with so many taunters and buffers. e cleanses even uncleansable stuff (read Ludwig, wolfgang Ferrant and family bonus)
I took him this SE and he has been charming. I take him when there are multiple buffers and taunters and let the tiles do the carnage. I do not do mono so, i usually dont get stuck with bad tiles.
If you have a good healer that will keep your team alive, he can be a handful
Moreover, he is amazing on titans if you plan tha offense team around him. Also the Mytic titans where u need a lot of teams to attack over 2 days.

I wont take him on defense as he is counter productive. But there are use cases where ppl bringing mono can be in for a shock, but it can be in their favour too.

His best use cases are for cleanse, attack up and crit up. if you have 3 cards of same colour and u move 3 tiles on an enemy card, chances are that the card could potentially receive 1300+ damage.

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G. Chameleon main use is offensive and killer on titans.