Grimble – New December 2019 HOTM (Hero of the Month): Thoughts, Discussion & Summon Results with Feedback

The Offers Calendar is only December, but the Summon portal is open for another 34 days…


I was doing 3 10 for MN. Didn’t get her but got Grimble.

I haven’t got a dark 5 star to up except Aeron or kunchen 2 or seshat 2. So I started seshat 2.

I def will bring him to 3 70.

I don’t need Vela because I already have 1 1 Athena 1 1 misandra 3 70 miki and 3 50 Finley…

So just asking… is he with these mediocre attack stat worth to be pulled to 4? And yes I got 10 tabbards… at 3 70 I can wait having the tabbards… my emblems go to Kunchen so that’s no option for me too…

@Suicide_Bunny Jabber is 4 star so why tabbards? :rofl:

Oh, sorry for confusing. Jabbar is 4 star, by Jabber I mean Jabberwock :wink:

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Echoing most of the sentiments already expressed. I was pulling for xmas heroes and got 30 feeders plus Grimble. So I’ll plop him next to Boss Wolf—my only decent tank option—and wait.

I already had to choose Seshat or Kage or Panther. Not complaining, but that leaves me my next choice of Kage or Panther. Then I wait for six more tabards for the last of those three.

I can see myself putting up with a lot of minions before I level Grimble at the expense of other needs. I had thought of him as a tank option for a second, but I’d go BW before him.

So 1/1 today, 1/1 tomorrow, and we will see what happens after that.


It seems like they wanted grimble to be a dark tank. He resists blind which neuters some of his attackers, slightly, like neith, drake, Joon. His minion destruction seems aimed at Delilah. He has a big butt, his defense and hp is solid. But still just sort of underwhelming. Especially considering the current meta with ursena/kunchen tanks, he doesn’t compete for a spot. Not even a little bit. His hit is really weak. The crit boost for dark allies does basically nothing on defense, it could be ok to attack with but still meh considering his low attack stat. Just sort of unexciting. The only thing, one saving grace for this hero is the amount of minion destruction/resistance they’re adding to the game; it’s like foreshadowing that minions will become a serious problem in the future. So grimble might end up being seriously good one day. But that day is not today. The only yellow minion makers currently is Delilah and Inari right? I can’t rhink of any more. I guess ranvir is a Druid. No big deal. He seems very limited and underwhelming in the current state of the game. Not a good attacker, not a great tank in light of better options.


In line with what @Mr_Style_Points said:

If April May June July August HOTM are all Minion summoning fanatics then we are all very foolish Vela fans here


Well he’s the first HOTM I got day 1 so that’s cool I guess.

He looks the sort of hero who is super niche but will really excel in said niches when needed.

I’m raiding low diamond (2400 to 2550) and minions are bloody everywhere at that level. Sechet can be a right pain to me if she starts rolling as she seems to birth the things like a rabbit. Then you have Delilah and her little Trojan thingies and Queen of Hearts and that daft card…they do my head in too :joy:

Of course you need to be able to fire him at the right time but that’s a discussion for a different day I guess. He looks most useful for events as the end stage baddies always seem to have a minion summoner these days…

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A post was merged into an existing topic: The Ridiculous Bragging thread

Re: Vela Vs Grimble

For me personally for any EHT I want to spend during Xmas event I would err on the side of going for Grimble rather than Vela. Now Vela may very well be better than Grimble when maxed when it comes to looking at my roster neither as the currently are would be particularly high on my heroes to ascend list - Grimble suffering from being too niche at the moment and Vela’s DoT was in my opinion one turn too long BEFORE we found out about the introduction of temporary max health increase that looks to be coming with season 3 - with it coming in my view her DoT is definitely one turn too long and as such I have more candidates in the queue before her looking for the Farsight Scopes.

Now as neither Grimble or Vela would currently be high on my list for their respective 4* AMs it is notable that Vela absolutely needs to be maxed out to be of use whereas Grimble’s stat profile being heavily weighed on defence means he might be a viable war support attacker at 3-70 when there is a defence with a minion caster to clear or to counter minion-healing in Bloody Battles in the short term.

Looking more long term whilst this is all a lot of guess work at the moment assuming Vela doesn’t receive a buff (especially to reduce the duration of her DoT) I think Grimble might better poised to become relevant enough for me to use the mats for full ascension than Vela has. The question is how many more season 3 heroes might be coming that increase that bring temporary health? The more heroes that use this mechanic to increase health rather than minions the less Grimble may become relevant. But if more high HP minion heroes like Telluria (I say like Telluria rather than her herself as her immunity and the mana slowing between them halve the mana gain from Grimble’s minion eating so he’s partially mitigated with her) come then he’ll definitely become more useful. But with Vela her low DoT will begin to look lower and lower with every hero that can boost health either by casting minions or increasing max health.

With those considerations whilst I probably wouldn’t max either hero right now the fact Vela needs maxing to be useful and that each additional minion caster or temporary +max health hero might may the DoT as it stands seem less and less useful versus Grimble could get some niche use now at 3/70 and then might have more compelling reasons to max him later for me makes me lean a little more towards him than Vela for EHT usage this event…

Though given I’m not ecstatic about either hero and already have the two Seasonal 5* here I’m probably not going to use more tokens than to pick up a dupe Rudolph as I used all my dupes maxing the special on my first Rudolph and fancy a second one - the odds are good enough and I don’t have much else to spend EHT on other things as the remaining seasonal heroes that I don’t have (across all the seasonal gates not just this one) I’m not that bothered about.


I have 20 tabards and dark currently is my weak color.
I pulled Grinble but i don’t have any intention to level him.

He is not a tank, not a titan hero (that 10% crit is not nearly enough to make him so), attack raiding there are clearly much better heroes around even in 4* zone.

Minion makers never gave me any problem and is not reason enough to have a specific hero to counter them.

Food for hero academy, if it ever comes out.


27 EHT, no event hero and no HOTM. So no early christmas here.

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I wish he was holy, but anyway a cool tank. The minion eating goat rider has tanky stats and a tanky class.

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Thank you for keeping it real. No one tends to post the misses, only the hits.


Rumor says one suggestion was to eat all minions ( enemies and allies) so summoner teams could use Grimble the goat to generate mana from your own minions.


I have been disappointed with the minion-destroying heroes we’ve gotten thus far: Captain of Diamonds and Gobbler. Any time I’ve used them, it has always seemed like I would have been more successful if I had just chosen better heroes instead. Plus, every minion creating hero besides the Xmas ones (who are rare) are 5*, so they are naturally more powerful than 4* Capt and Gobbler.

Now we’ve got a 5* minion destroyer, but he doesn’t excite me too much. Again, I feel you would do better in most cases if you just chose other heroes. But I have only one 5* purple in my roster, so I suppose I wouldn’t complain if I got him.


I pulled him but don’t care about him. If I end up having too many mats not enough dark projects he will get leveled, if not then he will just sit along with the other dark heroes I haven’t gotten around to.

That’s the thing with minion control… By taking minion destroyer, you are preparing for them to be created in the first place - and deal with the consequences. But with minion creators usually being slow and average, if you are scared of them, you take a squad that would allow to prevent them from firing at all (by killing or mana control). After you let guys like Santa or MN fire (in a raid), you are more concerned of their primary effect (ressurecting, aoe debuff) than minions that come with it. Which means you take minion controller if you assume you will be doing worse than the enemy, or have a board not in your favor. But that’s usually not what you have in mind when preparing a raid squad. Especially, that by taking a minion controller instead of a top tier hero, you may be actually causing to let the game play not in your favor and have the minions created in the first place…

Not to mention on defense they make zero sense, because attacker may just leave the minion creators home or play around the minion control.

That said though, I have to admit that Capt of Diamonds is very useful for me in the Santa’s Challenge. I actually maxed him out just for this purpose, and he serves it well. All the bosses are minion-creators and it makes them very bulky - but not when this guy is ready to fire. Can’t wait to progress to higher levels on the advanced ladder, but so far so good. Fighting Mother North on last levels last year was a nightmare. Hoping to do much better this time.

Problem with Grimble though is it is much more expensive to max him than a 4 star, even for top players. There’s just too many options that have to be maxed and not enough Tabbards. But as someone above said, at least with his bulky stats he may be reasonable to take on a raid at 3.70, and survive until minions are out.


I’m excited for Grimble. I don’t have any issues with his average mana speed as long as it’s not slow. Good stats paired with ability to increase mana for every minion destroyed and resist blind. Best thing is I like heroes that attack every enemy at the same time and Grimble brings that to the table. He’s a underrated hero. Has enough attack to be a effective flank but will do as an obvious tank as well


Couldn’t agree more Suicide Bunny. Any special that negates others puts you on the back foot from the off. If you go into a fight expecting to lose you probably will. Gotta be proactive and go for the jugular, not sit back and try to weather the storm.
I have the Gobbler (at 1/1) if minions someday become way more common but Imma try to take down Santa and MN with good old fashioned damage.


Good point re the max health, didn’t think that through. Cheers