Green To Chug The Tonics

I’m struggling to choose which 5 star green to ascend and thought I’d get the opinion of the community. I’ll show pics of my greens below. I’ve always wanted to level Gregorion but have nothing for ranger emblems. I’m currently leaning to Grace but Rato and C Horghall could be options too. Thanks for all the advice ahead of time l.


Francine is the one that looks best to me


Since you already maxed Alby (making Heimdall a bit redundant?)…Francine or Grace I guess…depending on what you have in other colours and what you want…

Thats an answer I wasn’t anticipating.

Francine is that good, you guys think? Thats two that listed her. Maybe I’ll have to give her another look. I was leaning Grace but this makes me rethink it.

I have Francine with costume LB +20

She’s a very niche hero. That continuous dispell can be very helpful BUT todays meta its about charging 2 Anne and kill all the enemy. Her damage is very lacking and you already have Almur. Only if you know how to and when to use her dispell should you consider leveling her. You have better choices

If your gut said Grace, that isn’t wrong either lol. Anything in particular making you doubt?

My opinion:

Francine +costume for rolling cleanse and EDD to ice(not a straight cleanse, but more than what you have). Oh, and buff steal is nice.

Ratatoskr. Avg heal and tile buff. Huge for titans amd nice pairing w/tarlak for tile damage teams

Grace, because taunt and fiends…

Gregorion. Great for titans and a good 3rd for tarlak and the rat in tile damage.

Horghall because you want to and superior talent.

Those in that order if it was me.

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In my honest opinion I would level….
Grace and then
Whichever hero you choose good luck

I don’t think Grace is leaps and bounds ahead of the group I have to level up. An alliance member once convinced me to level C Isarnia when I was ho hum about her. I ended up pulling the trigger and really glad I did. She’s an excellent hero, not as great today but still good. I guess what I’m saying is sometimes I get it wrong (like leveling Zulag). Second opinions are always great.

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I think the cleanse is quite valuable but the EDD? I have Fogg and Almur already and her EDD only effects ice which kinda sucks. I agree with you that the game has moved to overwhelming damage and Francine just doesn’t cut it in that department. 225 to 3 is woefully low but i imagine the undispellable cleanse for 3 rounds is her selling point.

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I´d do Grace, then Francine, then Gregorion - great options you got there, congratulations :green_heart: