Which Jolly Green To Pic

Trying to decide which of my greens to pick for my next to max. I’m leaning to Max but not 100% sold on it and you guys have always been great with advice. C Horghall is underrated and could be an option. I’ve been meaning to level my Gregorion for years, but tonics have always been my thorn. Grace is probably who I’d lean to if not for Max and the Rat would be a nice addition for titans. I have C Atomos and Silvaria but i think both are lacklucster… oh and i have Morgan Le Fay who I also think low of. I have tonics for almost one of them. Appreciate all the help.

  • Max
  • Grace
  • Gregorion
  • C Horghall
  • Ratotoskr
  • Silvaria
  • Morgan Le Fay
  • C Atomos
  • Hold and wait for someone better
0 voters

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@vanZille will tell you why :innocent:

I’m looking forward to learning me something.

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you need freya to give sense to Max, at best the costumed one.
these are not even new examples, meanwhile im better at using him for everything, especially every titan, legendary challenge events, hard autofarming, towers, monsterisland etc and working on new combinations, but freya is key, unfortunately i see none in the ones you posted.
:dog: changed my gameplay completely.


I have Freya from the last fated summons but shes unleveled currently

Holy cow! Thats insanity and it works with regular Freya???

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Grace use to be more valuable b4 alpa aethers gave taunt at the beginning of the match but she still is good with the extra damage ailment she gives. But 2x magni is better

I did see you have c Francine, EDD is always good, you got aulmer but it’s nice having the same with a legendary.

Balbar is underrated, he’s great for putting any healers in the wings to sleep and lets you attack the rest while they don’t do anything and gain no mana, best to have a good sniper to pair with him like khonshu. Leave whatever troublemaker asleep and deal with the rest of the team, then when everyone is dead hit the sleeping one with your sniper and you get big damage with the damage boost Balbar ailment gives and it doesn’t ware off , helpful against a mother north in the wing


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I completely forgot to mention C Francine but I have Fogg and Almur already. Its good to hear a different opinion on Balbar. Everything Ive heard has been negative.

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I did look through you pics, missed frogg. that’s got you covered there, and Francine only affects ice to give EDD, I mean its great if you happen to go up against a stacked blue team so she can hit 3 and you can wipe out a side with some more nature heroes but since most defences are rainbow it won’t happen often. frogg is better, even if he’s a sniper? I don’t got him.

most players don’t like balbar cause he’s not a strong sniper in attack, I just find the sleep ailment/extra damage very useful against certain team arrangements. it can really save your butt if a healer is about to go off and undo all the damage you had gotten, put it to sleep and leave it for later. or if you at the end of a tough match with one or 2 heroes left with a sliver of health and your enemy has someone with more health left, put it to sleep so they can’t attack at all while you ghost some tiles, been in that spot a good bit with no colour tiles to attack or build mana, can make as many matches as you need for your colour to pop up while they are sleeping they do nothing and it doesn’t ware off unless they are hit

it does but a bit weaker since freya costume gives 180% plus attack to puppy minions and regular 120%, so you have 1/3 less damge output which is still a guaranteed 100k+ hit on every titan, even when only being able to use 2 of strong color against certain titans since freya, max and franz are set.
For example that’s my team against green titans, the items are needed too of course, still can do 200k each hit if I want to, no matter the board, I really don’t care about tiles, just keeping titan stunned to not kill my minions. Each puppy hit is about 2500 damage since I skilled Max all attack path, damage of all puppy minions is determined by his attack, the 2 red could be unlevelled 3stars for still the same damage. Of course def downs are needed too. Against red ones frida and Grimm, holy ones panther and Cheshire Cat etc etc


It’s wrong that SGG releases heroes that are as brokenly OP as Max, but now that he’s been pulled for as advertised, it would be wrong for them to nerf him.

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That is freaking amazing awesome and I pulled Cel in the Gods event and I imagine she can be used in the same way.


Now I need Freya Costume


he is not op, he doesnt make you win events or is super useful in war, he just makes everything outside PvP easier and more fun and ads something different to the game.


she can be used exactly the same, her minions have 5% less attack but her attack stats are better, so her minion damage is quite the same.


Updated video on currect 14star Green, as you can see it is only 2 of strong color :dog: :dog: :eagle:


that is a magnificently assembled team, and didn’t hurt the board was a dream. really wonderful, but I suppose swapping max for set would be equally good, many iterations of the principal of the structure of that team with many different heroes for options. :+1:


No, you need minion with highest attack, as Max ones have 55%, Cel have 50%. If you use minions with less then the damage output is less too, Minions doing 30% damage are half of that etc etc. Minion damage is determined for everyone by the minion caster, so it makes no difference if you use a steroid marjana or a guardian falcon with no emblems or anything, same minion damage. But Franz (or a similar damage increase, think theres a red 3star doing that Franz stuff too) and Freya are needed for that damage output as is a def down and elemental def down at best since the minions on the red ones are the strong ones, minions work like tiles.


to many different ss and stat specifics for me to remember off hand. but its the principal of the structure of the team that interest me most. set doesn’t have as powerful minions but in a fight against a yellow titan having another purple to stack with freya for more tile damage even if the minion strength isn’t the same, could replace fronze with a x2 Dom for dark edd for more tile damage. what arrangement depends on the opponent you face and your board as to what is best, but yours is deff very strong and versatile for many applications and a bench mark of the principal of the structure. if you don’t have the heroes to make the same team you can use what you got that works the same but might not be the pinnacle of the idea, got to do the best with what you got for most.


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Sure, and just save all you got for next Mighty Pets summons :dog: :laughing:

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