Hello, green is my weakest colour, no one green hero leveled for now and the 5 stars i ve got are Kaliden, Francine and Frigg, which one must i level first? I have only 5 tonics at this moment, 6 if we count the path of valor free one.
I want no think only on titans, i want power up my green overall.
Thanks for help.
Frigg if you have no general defence down hero, want one and like to stack green.
Francine if you want a cleanser and have other Halloween heroes to pair her with.
Frigg is a bit more difficult to use effectively due to her special requiring a number of green tiles on the board to reach its full potential but, at full potnetial, she does more damage considering she hits everyone. However, Francine’s cleanse at the end of each turn for 3 turns is also very useful.
I’d probably go with Frigg but only because I use her against titans in a green stack whereas Francine would not see use there.
BTW, do you have Costumed (C)Francine ?
If you got her from Haloween portal last month, you should also get costume which is an improved version of a normal Francine.
CFrancine also can be used with Titan, and her cleanse is not-dispellable.
Maybe upgrade both of them to 3/70, and see if who do you like the most?
Though Francine is more useful in PvP, not PvE, whereas Frigg seems to be more univseral, if you love PvP, high level cleanser may also be good fit to you, and perhaps you can get def-down from other heroes
I highly recommend his advice. You need to know which one fits your game plan.
I will pick Frigg personally because she was the hero I used prior in getting many better green heroes later.
In my opinion, all three are no longer worth getting the materials mainly there’s many better green these days.
Happy Gaming
I also think the three do not quite worth 6 tonics (so i did not vote) unless you have like 20+ tonics and shields … Perhaps concentrate on good green 4* and wait for better 5*