Green 5* to level up

Here we go again! It’s been a long time since I’ve posted anything related to the game :innocent: as I had a ‘love-hate’ relationship with E&Ps (and actually deleted the game twice :joy:) but I’m enjoying the game again (thanks to my wonderful pirate mates @Steve9999 I’m looking at you :green_heart:)

Green is my weakest colour (borderline competing with purple!) and I can level up one but I really can’t make up my mind at all!

I have a total of 58 maxed 5* heroes (9 healers - Xnolphod - my poor old man-, Hulda, D Zuri from SE, Milena from SE (on her end-of-life pathway), Alexandrine, Toxicandra, C-MNorth, LotLake, Phenexa and Grazul (also have Miriam and Chomper but I’m not counting them as pure healers; I’m not even mentioning Tarlak!)

My maxed 5* nature heroes are:

Who should I max next ? I think it will be months before I can max another green hero!

  • 2nd C-Mother North
  • Heimdall
  • The Hatter
  • Myoin-ni
  • Frigg
  • Eiora&Fluffy
  • 2C-Elkanen

0 voters

I’m swinging between the Hatter and Myoin-ni but open to any suggestions :green_heart:

Any help would be greatly appreciated

@Chadmo @RandaPanduh I need your help :green_heart:


Ayy make my life easy and let me know why you are voting for a particular hero (if you have time guys and gals!) much appreciated

Thank you for tagging me @Luna, very thoughtful of you!

I selected one, however it’s really 1A/1B. The one I selected is the Hatter. Stealing buffs is a fantastic niche charge more that is very relevant in so many raids. Also you need more green heroes that damage and I think Hatter would be an amazing hero for your roster. The 1B hero is one I was lucky enough to pull, Myoin-ni. I honestly think she is a top 3 healer in the entire game and the 3 different levels of charge is astoundingly useful. The thing is you has the best revive hero in MN and one of the most useful healers with Toxicandra. Myoin is a great compliment to those two having Overheal and a potentially very fast charge move if needed quickly.

Either or those two you will love, I’d bet on it!


I agree with this …

I voted Hatter at first because he’s a fun/utility hero, which seems like you could afford to use a spot on that. Then I was shocked to find Hatter running away to the early lead, so I switched to M-N to even out the vote :rofl:

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Adding to my last post, I don’t think you need a 2nd Mother North, Frigg is a little dated but useful And Eiora is was too slow for a sniper. That said, 2C Elk is a very formidable defensive hero if that’s a focus of yours. However, he’s not any better on defense than El Naddaha or Liu Biu.



How could I not :green_heart: you are amazing and I’m always grateful for your support and advice

You should get ‘the wise’ badge (I hope you do) @Dudeious.Maximus @PlayForFun :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:


You are so fair :rofl: although this is not helping me :joy::rofl::joy::rofl: I’m loving your comment

Thanks @ProfessorPenguin :green_heart:


I voted Hatter for the buff steal.
I think @dansing and @Homaclese might have a view here :laughing:


I have a feeling @dansing will say

The hatter
The hatter
The hatter

Don’t be silly billy and just max

The hatter


Just a feeling I wonder why I have that feeling!!!


Hatter is fun! Say those who have him… :roll_eyes:


I voted for Elkanen C2 for feature variety.

Myoin Ni would be my first choice but you seem to have Toxic, pretty much similar features, and other healers.
Then I would say E&F but you have Athos.

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I’m a big fan of c2 elkanen. He’s standing in my def for a wile now and doing good. The healing nerf combined with his def/speed makes him a nice hero to have

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I knew he was going to get the love he deserves! Great hero indeed and that’s why I’m struggling to chose ‘the one’! I’m just not quite sure if he’s my play style! Oh dear!!! This is not getting easier :rofl:

Thanks @0valRainbow @Clutch :green_heart:

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A few fun facts about Elkanen.
superior talents are so good for all versions.
C1 is a solid hit 3. Superior Barbarian has +30% attack for 3 turns and it procs frequently.
Regular is even more annoying with superior thorn minions. I have experience from Lianna C2, and they proc so frequently and they will soak up a lot of incoming damage. the S5 passive dots. In a test raid, Archie couldn’t touch Lianna’s base health because of the superior thorn minions for several turns.
But C2 best use would be when he’s paired with a fiend summoner. He will penalize opponent healer not only for reduced healing but also enduring fiends, and obviously he’s pretty though


I voted Myoin-ni, but I am a strong fan of healers (I use two in every battle) and she is one of the best. I very rarely use Mother North and Heimdall, but if I would have her, I’d use her each war.

I also think that Myoin-ni is better stats-wise. Be prepared for the Hatter to give him full emblems and maybe even lb in order to ensure his survivability.

2C-Elkanen is a decent option, but I would not compare him with the two above. Eiora & Fluffy is also a good anti-minion hero.

Frigg I would not max. I have her and I don’t use her anymore unfortunately. How the mighty fall :slight_smile:


Thanks @The_Seeker

Much appreciated! I’m regretting getting Frigg from SE (always wanted her and I really chased her so much for so long so when she was in SE, I didn’t think twice and got her instead of Ludwig!!! Hey hooo…never mind! Regrets / No regrets!)

I think I’ll max the Hatter and Myoin-Ni both (and let Grimble sit on the bench waiting for the next tome)! I can fully emblem the hatter (not enough emblems for Myoin!)

This is so helpful! I really appreciate everyone’s time and effort and feedback!


Hatter and Myoin-ni were gonna be my suggestions. I only have Myoin-ni, and I love her. She makes it onto most of my raiding teams. Dont have the Hatter, but his buff steal is superb, while his stats are old (now, I sound like an old alliance mate who valued the stats too high, and the skill not so much, so dont put too much weight on those stats). My two cents.


This is a good point. I was using Myoin-ni at 3-70 and she was shockingly durable. Now at 4-80 and full emblems and that 5 tile charge move…she stay alive a looooong time. I will LB her at the next green omega quest.


So good to hear from you @Control_Freq


Missing the good old times :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Miss your cheerful banter in the chat, from back in the day at TBD :slight_smile:

I’m still fairly present on the forum, though I may have gone back to more of a lurker/reader than much of a poster. Lots of stuff going on IRL.

I could send you a facebook link on discord or line from our last choir concert. And I’ve got CDs from a couple different choirs. (PM’d you the link on discord, will do so on line as well, if they’re still active accounts.)