Hiw is Grazul? Pulled her today & don’t know what to make of her.
In my opinion, her special skill @ very fast speed can be helpful against Alfrique, Proteus, Telluria & the likes.
However, would want to know someone’s experience before leveling her.
Please share your thoughts.
She’s very useful. Not always because it depends on the enemy’s charge move, but blocking a lot of those moves is amazing. Plus at super fast mana, a level 11 mana troop she’ll charge in 6 tiles or 3 ghost tiles. I use her a lot in red stacks
Thank you, Chadmo
I love using her on my mono red team with GM with lvl 11 mana troops, 2 matches and I’m protected and e enemies are getting DOT. She really advanced my raid abilities.
She’s the main “healer” of my regular attack team.
I have to say that when I got her by the time she was featured as a HOTM, I wasn’t so happy. However, now I find her really useful to protect my team from all ailments. She works really well on attack, although it requires a tiny dose of strategy so as to activate her special at the right moment.
Her main use is ailment protection. The heal is rather small.
I usually bring another healer with her
I used to use her a lot with myztero particularly vs alfrike. She would block the effects they mYztero would cast them all back
I now have Emilio who I would see as an upgrade of her but lacking Emilio, vanda and Garnet I would say she is very useful if you play a bit strategically
Very useful on offense. Easily charged to protect the team against ailments.
Even if you had all the others I still think Grazul is useful. You can never have too many ailment blockers when facing 6 Alfrike teams for rush war, so one for each war team is almost essential. (a luxury no doubt, but if I had Grazul or Vanda I’d still level them despite already having Emilio and Garnet)
Thank you all for sharing.