Gravemaker or B. Knight? Who's better on Defense?

True but the voice isn’t his falsetto…

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Fair point — he it is!

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I do hope your username is a reference to “Brave Sir Robin” from the same film? :stuck_out_tongue:


When danger reared its ugly head…

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He was not at all afraid to be killed in nasty ways… :joy::joy::joy:

GM is still a king in wars cause he shreds apart greens. But in raids he is here for so long and we have so many counters against him now that is no longer a real threat.
I even realize that is not my primary target after the tank.
BK on the other hand, is sturby and a good protection for his wing, considering you use him as a flank instead of GM. Worse if he goes off there is no clear counter. You cant dispell his buff cause of taunt and spend a lot of energy in order to kill him. Which means you ll need more tiles to charge again while you’ll be vulnerable in processing.

Strong heroes are even better under his buff, a finley, drake fong or Ursena who goes off under his buff claims a game over.

Strong defense have a good tank, to sum up Ursena, guin or kunchen. But a very strong def is still a big deal even when the tank is done.
BK can be part of this.