Black Knight or Gravemaker

So I’ve had Black Knight since he came out and have him on my defensive team. He was my Tank until I maxed Telluria and relegated BK on the Flank with Vela on the other side. Now I’ve almost maxed GM and am wondering if I should strip BK’s emblems and replace him with GM. What are the pros and cons to this situation? Thanks .

How is your defense holding up with BK in there? Do you use BK a lot in raids? If BK is more than just a monster defensive flank, keep those emblems there and start GM from scratch. My 2 cents.


My defensive team from L-R is currently: Poseidon +5, BK+7, Telluria +13, Vela+ 14, Lianna +6. TP just north of 4300. I feel like that I’ve lost more than I should, but I mean that’s just a personal view. I do use BK on offence since I think he’s more beneficial on offence than defence. But I’m not sure, that’s why I’m wondering about the emblem situation. Thanks for the reply and opinion :blush:

Gravemaker and dont look back. An arguement can be made that gravemaker is better at literally everything than black knight.


GM would improve that Defense. Weigh out the cost of Food and Ham and see if you think it’s worth it. to reset BK’s emblems. Tough call pal.

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Thank you very much for the reply

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Thanks for added input, appreciate the advice :blush:. It’s tough but I think yeah GM would be better for that team.

Dunno sure giving emblems to gravemaker is a no brainer but defence ain’t everything. How much will you use bk going forward? If you not going to use him as much in war trails Raids etc then do soo but if still going to be useful then maybe think about before taking them off him

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BK can do his job without emblems, switch them over to GM

U had Vela, so GM no doubt.

I’m kinda in the reverse position… I have GM at +12 & just pulled BK… Was wondering if I should stop giving emblems to GM & save them for BK when I finish him? Also, what do u guys think of a BK/Telly combo, with maybe C. Magni, Seshat & Joon, all with emblems around +10 or higher? Or what about BK/Kunchen combo to give Kunchen enough time to load? Then I have Greg or Lianna to replace Telly & keep it rainbow… Any thoughts??

Dont move away from Telly and Gravemaker, if your goal is having the best heroes you can field…


Gm for offense and defense hands down

No contest imo

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And I’d argue almost the exact opposite - that BK is better at literally everything except defence (not that BK is bad there, but GM is better) :joy:

I’m big on team synergies and GM stands alone… He does what he does very well indeed, but you can’t do much with team make-up to boost him significantly higher.

Offensively, BK is not only one of the most impactful stalls, but can turn an AoE team into a bloodbath when paired up with Wilbur.

I have both these heroes and BK gets far more use - and keeps the emblems. If I were embleming purely for defence them GM would have them, but I had BK first and there’s no way I’m resetting him for GM…
Even though BK doesn’t need them offensively and GM benefits greatly from them, I just use BK far more.

I, personally, think there’s a very serious argument to be made for BK as both the best Barbarian and the best red in the game…


Speed is king, BK just doesn’t have enough, he is regularly benched in our wars be alliance mates, which means he doesnt even make the top 30 heroes against green tanks… this is enough for me to know that he just isnt that good…

PVE literally counts for nothing as you can do anything in that realm with a few S1 4 stars…


I’ve been chasing Gravemaker for 2 years now, without any success, I think he is one of the best heroes in the game.

That being said, I got BK at the end of last year, maxed him and stripped emblems out of Kageburado to give them to him.

No regrets whatsoever, I use BK everywhere, from raids, titans, tournaments, events… everywhere, everyday.

My defense lineup is Seshat+9, BK+16, Telluria+9, Vela+10, C. Joon+4, it holds 2600-2700 cups.

I still dream of getting GM someday, however, if I do get him, I probably won’t take the emblems from BK, probably I’d leave BK at +18/19 and start GM over, maybe, just maybe, take emblems out and put them in BOTH heroes.

That’s just how good and handy I think BK is, Gravemaker is probably better in raids and defense, but for titans I think he is far behind BK.

This is my 2 cents, hope it helps.


Speed is useful… A combination of different speeds, used properly, allows slower heroes to get going.

Although honestly, I don’t have any issues with BK at average speed.

If he’s getting benched, he’s either not being used optimally or there’s an over-emphasis on speed going on.

As I say, I have both and I value BK more highly. GM is excellent, but that’s how good BK is.

Interestingly, Anchor rates BK as A+ for offense and GM as A - both as A+ overall…
I know anchor grades aren’t gospel, but it’s interesting that his/their opinion agrees with my own - and I’d urge you to reconsider whether you’re using him to full effect if you think he’s not worth his place in attack, you may find you have more potential waiting to be unlocked.


I have a MUCH harder time versus BK than Gravemaker. Gravemaker is nothing really since you are loading up on cleansers against Tellurias anyways. BK makes me waste a spot with a dispeller or not bring a dispeller and feel the pain of that attack buff.


Funny thing is, we win at a >70% rate. So i doubt like heck that there is an overemphasis. My teammates are amazing players, so they definitely know what they are doing. I argue, that you probably haven’t fully tested both.

Just the mere mention of anchor tells me all I need to know…


A throwaway comment/sidenote… Okay, if that makes you think my considered opinion isn’t worth taking on then thats fine :flushed::rofl:

I don’t doubt your teammates abilities, but the nature of games like this means there are multiple ways to play and it’s quite possible to get great results with different tactics - none of this changes my considered view of these two heroes having used both quite a lot… Do you have both? Either?

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