FTP: Brimstone, Greg or Azlar?

Hi Guys. I’m a free to play(FTP) player. I am faced with a dilemma where I have a few heroes to give my barbarian emblems but I have limited emblems. The heroes I have are

  1. “Greg” Blue 4 from Garrison Guards family* → Currently leveling up, at 2nd ascension (Planning to double limit break, talent node to 25)

  2. “Brimstone” Red 5 from Construct Family* → Fully leveled up, only 1st emblem node unlocked, with no limit break. (Will double limit break when I get all materials, and talent node to 25)

  3. “Azlar with 3x costumes” Red 5 from Classic family.* → Haven’t started leveling up. (Planning to single limit break with talent node to 20)

I have only 300 barbarian emblems. Right now, I am prioritizing Greg to get my emblems. I unfortunately know that it will take at least a year to get these 2000+ barbarian emblems. Any suggestions on who to priortise? Thank you.


Greg is superior and competitive in every stage of game.
Brimstone is a great hero, which you need if you go for wars and higher stages, but his real power will come out when fully ascended and emblemed.
Same for Azlar, you will need all costumes and full emblems.

So depends on:
what is your goal? Events, war, raid?
Do you have a competitive lego team? Missing a great red?

As an FTP i probably go for Greg. If you can combine for example with Goldie and Shar’Kai, he is devastating :slight_smile:


Here, I made a poll for you!

  • Greg
  • Brimstone
  • Azlar with all costumes.
0 voters

For me I have a very strong red team compared to the rest. For example, 2x R&N (2023 HOTM), brimstone, and colen primary costume. Unfortunally, I do not have any red healers.

Mono red team power around 4500. Strongest team is 5300. Will reach 5800+ when all my upgrading projects is done for rainbow colour.
I am currently using Brimstone in almost all types. I am unsure of what ‘goal’ you mean. My hero rooster is not well to do yet.
My future defence team will be
Chloris, Brimstone, Obakan, Greg, constance
Chloris, Greg are in the process of upgrading. the rest are good to go

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