Howdy, I’ve got Azlar plus two costumes all leveled up. Considering the costume bonuses, should I emblem him and limit break? I don’t have a fully level 5* red so my hardest hitters are 2lb plus costume Gormek and 2lb Junaid.
Thinking I could use the defense path if I emblem save use him in war defense as the paladin during Rush
I’d say definitely level him up and Pepperflame together if you have the LB and ascension mats for both. The Toon passives are nothing to scoff at and the raw bonus from the costume X3 is also an added plus. Pepperflame is a goblin (great anti-boosted health hero) and is one of the coveted ones of the bunch. Neither would be a bad choice. Whichever one you choose, best of luck!
EDIT: Nevermind. I see that you only have the two costumes but not the toon costume. In that regard, I’d say prioritise Pepperflame first, especially the LB2.