The second oic is form the account on iPad, the first is from iPhone.
I would just buy a new summon Roll the dice
Yes the events imo are your best bet and the guardian one which i think is next has some really good hero’s,you really cant go wrong
Thanks everyone! I appreciate all the help!
I would add…stop leveling 2* heroes. The 3* will come. Don’t be overly concerned about only using the same color (it only provides 16% extra experience). I figured this out much to late. Never feed away a 3* or 4* at this point (you will want 30 of them for wars). Elemental summons all the way! Once you have a full three star team I would start hoarding gems (2,600 for 10x summons saves 400 gems). Keep building that stronghold TC13 will give you more 3* heroes than you will ever need.
I’d suggest waiting for the Ice or Dark element to pop up in the elemental summons and trying your luck. You’re guaranteed at least a 3* which could help your team significantly. That or hold onto it until you’ve replaced your 2* by pulling 3* out of daily summons (you eventually will) and saving them for a 10 pull for an event or Atlantis. Expanding your hero roster is another great way to spend your gems, but only if you find yourself running out of room for all of your heroes. I’d say first get a few good heroes, then expand the space. Troops I’d wait until you have at least a full 4* team, but even by then you should get enough 3* & 4* troops for free from tokens, so definitely not a priority. I find speeding up chests another fine way of spending gems, but only when you’re on the hunt for AM.
It’s obviously your decision, and it all depends on your priorities and needs, but I’d say [at least my] priorities run: Heroes (First), Increased Space (Second), AM (Third), Troops (Fourth), Team Slots (Fifth). Good luck! & Remember, if you aren’t totally sure on what to spend them on, just save the gems until you are- that way you won’t regret it.
Thank you …
Ok so I took your advice and spent the 300… here is what I got.
So I guess this pops my 4* cherry!! I’m guessing he goes in the center go the team now?
Congrats a very useful 4* will improve you Titan performance too.
I really hate the fact that I can’t just type thanks and have to type 20 freakin characters!!! WTF is up with that???
Congrats!! Tiburtus will help you immensely with everything going forward, start working on him as soon as possible and replace Layla for him on your team once his stats exceed hers. That’s a great first pull!
Pity the fool (‘70s reference to A-team). Nobody eats until Mr. T is full.
Tiburtus is one you’ll always use; he’s great for Titans, events, attacking and defense. Now hopefully you’ll pull a blue 3* from the summons or wait until you get another 300 and pull from ice elemental and you’ll be set! After that, I’d save gems and only do pulls during events and/or Atlantis (if you decide to do more pulls). That or stockpile your gems while you get your TC13 up and running, and go from there!
Thank you
Now for … Ugg this 20 rule is so stupid!!
You shouldn’t level 2* heroes at all. Those are feeders heroes. Stop feeding 2* heroes.
Good for you to reach out for help so early in your game play. I hope you’re in a good teaching alliance. If not, check out the thread created.
I’d link it but my skills are limited … I’m sure another player will post it for you.
A helpful alliance will be of the most benefit to you. Good luck and have fun!
If you struggle to pass your map levels then Sha Ji (2* yellow) is the strongest healer you can obtain from regular summons and trainings. He has helped me out a lot in the early stages of my game. I would just replace Ragnhild with Sha Ji then.
What’s the current level of your training camps?
awesome pull. Tiburtus is important in a lot of aspects of the game!