I know there are a lot of topic like this one, but I have not found the exact answer to my question.
I recently started levelling my first 2 5* heroes: Poseidon & Lianna
In other colours I have:
Blue: Magni, Isarnia, Richard (all at 1.1)
Red: Azlar
Purple: Obakan
I now have 11 rings so will probably start Azlar soon. If and when Marianna shows up, I will only need 1 more ring.
I have 9 Royal tabbards and will wait until I have at least 11 to start Obakan (same reasoning as above, but for Sartana)
Scopes are less willing to find their way to me. I now have 5, so only 1 more to go. Here I’m not sure what to do.
I’ve read all topics compairing Isarnia and Magni, and most of them favor Magni being a fast sniper. But if I follow that reasoning, my first rainbow 5* team might consist of all sniper.
What do you more advanced players think? Is it ok that the first 5* heroes are all fast snipers, or should you throw some slow AoE in the mix (Isarnia/Azlar)?
You can make a decent team for defence with Poseidon, Lianna, Richard ( as Tank ) Azlar and a good emblemed Rigard.
I don’t like Obakan, so I would suggest to leave him on site for Domitia or Sartana.
But I also know some people who find him useful, so there might be different opinions around.
I don’t know if defence is my priority. I like playing all aspect of the game, so attack, raids, titans and events are more important. Is richard usefull enough except for being a tank? He seems a lot weaker then Magni/Isarnia
For overall, I think better 1st choose sniper on each color, we can add mix support heal, status etc from 4* heroes.
What I’m doing right now for example Season 3 normal or hard, I pick 2 healer (mix 5* and emblemed 4*) different color, and 1 or 2 sniper also different colors, and fixed Proteus slot. So I’m doing 2-2-1 or 3-2.
I’d max Magni of all the blue heroes you have. Maybe he’s weak in defense, but since you are more interested in attack teams, he’d be more useful.
Azlar is a good choice both for his tiles damage and special attack. In rush wars, he could become a nightmare.
Regarding Obakan, I’d wait for another purple or even I’d max some 4* purple heroes rather than him.
Interesting thought. I’m currently doing S3 normal, and follow about the same pattern.
1 deep healer (melendor/rigard) + 1 small healer (boldtusk/kiril) + 2 attackers (sniper/rammming pulverizer) + Hansel (I don’t have Proteus, RNGesus makes it hard to believe in him )
Except for rush wars/tournaments, I seldomly use slow heroes…
Magni does seem to be my preference. Azlar will probably be the slow one I’ll max since I don’t have Marjana yet (or any other red 5*)
In purple I’m maxing Sabina now, and Cyprian after, with 4 more 3* heroes in line. So I’ll have some time.
Like what @jinbatsu have said, you can level your snipers. Doing Lianna and Poseidon is a good investment. They were relevant back then as it is now you see them used in either offense or defense in the diamond raid tier.
Magni is a good sniper. Max him.
Azlar was my 1st red 5* but was overtaken by Ares when I got the latter as a featured hero in an Atlantis portal way back in 2018. The Leor was maxed after I finished the War Diety. Previously emblemed when talents were first introduced, I stripped Azlar’s in favor of better barbarians, i.e. Kageburado and Gravemaker. However, I still haven’t replaced Azlar as my main damage dealer in my main monored team composed of Boldtusk+19, Wilbur+20, Falcon+18, Mistuko+20 and unemblemed but maxed Azlar.
Don’t max Obakan. You may want to place him at 3/70 in order to make some use out of him from maps and quests and maybe some raids and wars while you are still building your roster. Focus your resources instead to 4* purple healers like Rigard and Sabina, the former as a better healer because of his cleanse, and very much desirable if you happen yo have his costume.
When leveling, try to feed them heroes of the same color as it is food efficient. Powerleveling (or leveling a hero using all available feeder heroes) is a luxury reserved to experienced players. You can do that once you have enough claimable feeder heroes trained in your training camps and enough food “deposited” from your training camps.
Last advice: lower your expectations in all facets of the game but try to have the most fun doing it. Read a ton of players’ advices here in the forum and don’t hesitate to ask questions here or from your alliance. Seek a training alliance that is nurturing and can be considered as a home with respectful and jolly peers of the same mindset with fair and informed and knowledgeable leaders.
My expectations can hardly go any lower, I’m F2P, so completing all events is enough for me. But since 4* ascension materials are hard to come by, especially as F2P in an alliance thats attacking 9* and 10* titans, I just wanted to see what the general consensus was in Snipers vs AoE. I tend to favor snipers, but it would not be the first time you forum members showed me another way.
IMO, short answer AoE best for defense because of AI, and sniper best for offense because we can choose which opponent is danger or almost mana-ready, etc.