I’d take Joon over Drake personally. I’ve actually been holding out for Joon for some time now, even though I have Drake and the means to take him to 80. Idk why, Drake is really good, but for some reason I can’t bring myself to ascend him. I was going to wait til Delilah shows up in Atlantis, and possibly Musashi even though I’d ascend Drake before him, before deciding which yellow to ascend next. Plus, I’m also holding out hope for both Joon and/or Vivica from pulls or once I get my TC20 up and running. There really is no logic behind my decision to hold off on ascending Drake, so if you decide to ascend him I know it won’t be a decision you’d regret, there’s just (idk) something about him [to me] that makes me want to wait before deciding. Can’t put my finger on it though, but he’d be a better choice than Guin since he can be used everywhere, whereas Guin is only good for defensive purposes. After you do Drake (or Joon) for your first yellow 5*, then I would do Guin over anyone else for sure.
& I know right? There’s supposed to be a Mother North that has a similar resurrection special to Alby, and also summons minions I think. Makes me not want to ascend Alby to 4T til I see what she’s all about, hopefully I won’t regret ascending him to 3T if she makes him obsolete lol. So many amazing must-have greens, how will I ever collect the 42 tonics needed to ascend all of them and still be able to ascend every single other one to appease the completionist in me? Poor Lady Locke, she’ll never get to 4T & Duplicates? Yikes.
Anyway, I’d wait to see what Atlantis brings. If Zeline doesn’t show up in this one, she will in the next, so [to me] it’s worth the wait. Plus, December will be here soon, and with that comes Evelyn and the Christmas heroes. I’d decide either once you get Zeline, or if you don’t get her, I’d either decide then or wait til around Christmas time. Tarlak would be my go-to if you don’t snag any of them, but if you do- Mother North sounds the coolest, but Evelyn would be amazing too. Gah, green is just too good that it feels near impossible to make the right decision when it comes to ascending.
Blue I would hold out for those two, but not too long. Like if you start getting close to having 12 scopes, Misandra wouldn’t be a bad choice to use em on. Though, Alasie and/or Magni would be more ideal.
Zim I would maybe wait unless I really wanted a cleanser. Gravemaker will be popping up soon, and there should be a new red Atlantis hero in the summons sometime soon as well. After one of those, I’d decide then. If you don’t snag em, Zimi is a solid choice.
Then again, I run on the cautious side of things when it comes to ascending because I’m too indecisive and I’m patient enough to wait. I know most would suggest you work with what you have currently, but to me- those mats are so rare that I’d rather wait until I’m sure. You can do whatever feels the most right to you, because then it’s probably the right choice for you. Go with your gut, and if it’s telling you you should wait, then I’d wait