I’m seeing a couple of things with your roster and your defense team.
First off, your leveling is all over the place. Focus! Pick one hero of each color and take them to max (or until you hit the ascension materials wall). Then work on the next one. I would prioritize them in this order:
Red: Wilbur to 4/70 first (or 3/60 if you don’t have the blades yet). Then finish Hawkmoon. That won’t take long. Then Zim-kitty to 2/60 while you collect the mats for her. At that point start Colen unless you’ve drawn a better red.
Blue: Kiril to 4/70, then finish Valen #2. After that Greymane unless you have a better blue.
Green: Finish Kasshrek, finish Brienne and Berden, then take Groot to 2/60. If you haven’t pulled a better green by then, you could take him to 3/70, but there are lots of better options.
Purple: Finish Cyprian to 3/60 and stop there. Then work on Tibs to max. If you have the mats, take Rigard to max after that. If not, work on Chochin. I wouldn’t bother with Prisca unless you’re desperate.
Yellow: finish Gan Ju real quick, then work on Dancing Bear to 3/60. If you draw Wu Kong, he immediately moves to the top of the list.
Now, as to your defense team, the first thing that strikes me is that it’s toothless. You have essentially no offensive firepower, which means your opponent can sit back, hit you with tiles without fear of retribution, then pick you off one at a time with sniper fire. You have 2 healers, one of which is also an attack and defense buffer, a defense buffer/debuffer, a cleanser/attack buffer, and a defense buffer (riposte). Zim-kitty and Kiril will override each other, and neither one has an attacker to buff. Wilbur will weaken their defense, but who is available to take advantage of it?
You also have 2 red heroes, which makes you more vulnerable to double blue attackers.
Try this for a defense team, from left to right:
Kiril, Tiburtus (as soon as he hits 3/40 or so. Azar here until then), Kasshrek, Bane, Balthazar (move Azar here when you bring in Tibs).
Kiril heals, buffs attack and buffs defense. Tibs hits 3 and debuffs defense. Kash heals 3 and buffs fire defense. Bane hits one and blinds. Azar hits one and cuts mana.