šŸ“ā€ā˜  Finley ā€“ 5* Ice/Blue from Pirates of Corellia

I thought I remembered seeing the percentage it drops with each hit somewhere :thinking:. I figured if anyone knew where itā€™d be you :wink:

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I am pretty sure itā€™s a 20% decrease of damage per each subsequent hit.

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Pretty sure itā€™s 20% each time. If I get him off against all 5 Iā€™ve noticed hit one about 600 odd and hit 5 100 odd. It just all happens super quickly :joy:


Really? Against my +20 highly defensive heroes he does like 1000ish on hit one and 4xx on the last hit.

Are there buffs/debuffs included in that?!

I have never once encountered a Finley (and I also have one at +17) that had its first hit do over 1,000 damage. And I also regularly fight Finleyā€™s on defense teams because they are pretty easy to work around for the most part

I donā€™t want to be rude but I 100% call shenanigans on that especially if you are considering +20 defensive heroes


Iā€™ve definitely seen first hits over 1000ā€¦likely with buffs boosting the attack. I just hunted for a Finley +20 and intentionally set him off. He did exactly 800 damage as a first hit on my hero (Ariel with 1075 defense). Then did 686 damage for the second hit on my Mitsuko (1002 defense). He missed my Marjana on the third hit via a rogue dodgeā€¦but doesnā€™t matter. Youā€™re right on the numbers. Still, a hero with 750 defense (~25% less than my test) in theory would get hit with about 1000 damage as a first Finley hit). Very likely to happen in warsā€¦probably where Iā€™m seeing the big hits.

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On defence he gets the +20% stealth attack and if heā€™s further buffed and thereā€™s a defence down his first hit can be crazy good.

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True, but once you start adding buffs/debuffs then this can apply to really anyone.

If you give me black knight attack boost plus ranvir attack boost with a boldtusk attack boost and then give the enemy defense down then someone with a weaker hit like Leonidas could do devastating damage too.

Oh I know. Was just confirming it can happen

Gotchya. I knew it ~could~ happen with buffs/debuffs but the initial commenter made it seem like Finley could hit more than 1,000 with a standard hit on a 20+ defensive hero

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Iā€™m almost finished leveling my Finley. What emblem path should I take with him? I will be using Finley immediately for my main defense once I have his emblems high enough and for raids, wars, and events. I have enough emblems to take him through grid +15. Ultimately, I want to get him to +18 (or higher if it makes sense). Any thoughts welcome. Visuals are a plus! :wink:

Iā€™m also in the process of adding emblems to my Killhare. Once both Finley and Killhare are appropriately emblemed, Iā€™ll be looking to tweak my defense (again). Iā€™ll look to the forum at that time for advice on the best setup.

I donā€™t have finley but I would 100% go Attack > Defence > HP :stuck_out_tongue:

Make that sucker HURT (more).


Perfect! Thanks @Guvnor! Itā€™s going to take a long time before Finley and Killhare are ready for defense, but Iā€™ll be creating a thread at that time to discuss defensive options. Much appreciated!

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Donā€™t Nerf him, I just got him and almost have leveled. Iā€™m sick of nerfs. They donā€™t encourage spending or real playing. If youā€™re going to Nerf heroes after all of the testing you do simply because whiners donā€™t like the puzzles part of the game. Then just call the game Empires because thought is taking a backseat. I donā€™t have Telluria nor Vela and I feel sorry for those who do. Perhaps if you stopped making these hurt hotm you wouldnā€™t have a problem with balance. And no more ā€œOOPS I put the whammy on myselfā€ heroes. Thatā€™s not a hero thatā€™s called a ā€œmisfitā€.

I never pull a good hero by single pull :frowning:
I always do many pulls and many times I did not get what I wanted
I did many last 2 days for Userna and did not get her.
I love to get a very good hero just with one pull to just feel it

Your account is so lucky not like mine
I hope game show the good side for me too
I really am tired of summon alot I need to get some hero with coins to be fresh blood for me :frowning:

Huh? Thatā€™s a glitch fix. He should break if he misses. He wasnā€™t in some cases and now thatā€™s fixed. This essentially nerfs him. :grinning:

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Just fought with a team that had Finley. My team had Jackal, Mist, Lixiu, Chao and Hell, cause other team had Alfrike full! Problem was that Finley managed to hit all 5 of my team members even though I had no buffsā€¦ This bug happened once more and made Fin even moreā€¦nasty! Can you check this pls.

This will be really hard to diagnose with so little information. If you see it again, please get screen shots.

Also, which version of EP are you running? Thereā€™s been an update very recently (I think 40.1.2 is the latest). So whether youā€™ve done this update or not might be pertinent.


well, I had no buffs (check my team), Fin hit all 5 members. Have version 40.1.1. Recorded a video for the 3d fight but Fin was kiled before firing (was thinking of letting him get me for 3d tme just to prove it but then decided to just win!) Going to update. Anyway, thanks for the reply.