šŸ“ā€ā˜  Finley ā€“ 5* Ice/Blue from Pirates of Corellia

Use elena + jf vs finley pretty regularly, havenā€™t seen any issue

Until you actually use him on offense, you donā€™t possibly know that

And you like misandra and she has the ability to do the same thing, finley is just less random on offense but heā€™s still able to be countered on defense

Plus AoE heroes arenā€™t anything new. Flexible heroes that can snipe or AoE, sure slightly new(idk if year+ old actually constitutes new but whatever)

Heā€™s fine. Plenty of players are winning against him, heā€™s not eating insane amounts of flags in war, and players still lose when take him to a match

Heā€™s not a win button

Heā€™s a strong hero, nothing more

Idc what youā€™re opinion is but donā€™t convey it about something you have no experience in as if you do

Give a defense opinion because thatā€™s the only one you could possibly have that would hold weight

If you used him on offense, youā€™d know that when he kills multiple heroes, theyā€™re typically near death anyways and the match is already all but over :roll_eyes:

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Dudeā€¦ Look at the date I posted that. Everything you said to me before, you just said again. Thanks for your input, but I disagree with you.

Youā€™re all about what is and Iā€™m about what could be. Iā€™ve seen Finley on offense wreck an entire team, killing two heroes and severely damaging the others, I just canā€™t find the video, but again, not the point. The fact that Finley can potentially do that kind of thingā€¦ on his own, is a problem.

I think our life experiences and overall way of thinking are too different because Iā€™m stuck on the possibility while you need hard proof of every little thing. Bottom line is this. No hero should be able to do the things that Finley can do, potentially or otherwise. Whomever thought he was a good idea to be released in such a fashion, must not have been thinking very objectively.


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Hahaha so we should have no blue AoE in the game? Youā€™re joking right?

Classic @Rigs, hearing and seeing what he wants to see and hear. Never fails.

Classic @King_Kyree77

Constantly whining every time he doesnā€™t get his way or loses a match lol

Iā€™m fairly positive the top end teams see more finleys in war than any other teams

Why arenā€™t they complaining?

They get to use finley once and face him 6 times per player per war

So IF he was OP, wouldnā€™t they be the first ones screaming for a nerf?

Or have they just figured out how to counter him, accepted the fact that they can still lose matches when they bring him, and have decided if these 2 things are true then heā€™s probly fine as is so they continue with their daily lives instead of screamin the world is fallinā€¦

Did I whine or complain about losing to you? No, I hit rematch and won. This isnā€™t about me, this is about whatā€™s fair and healthy. Iā€™m a gamer whoā€™s seen developers tweak several of their own creations across several platforms and games from PokĆ©mon to Yu-Gi-Oh, to soul caliber to super smash Bros. The idea isnā€™t foreign. Something gets released that is exceptionally powerfulā€¦ you fix it, not ignore it. Iā€™ve paid money in Yu-Gi-Oh for decks that got hit by the ban-list. Iā€™ve bought dlc for games just to have characters nerfed or banned from tournaments, but you know what I doā€¦ I get over it, because I both understand and agree. There is a large gap between Finley and the rest of the ice/blue heroes (tell me who even comes close) and that is a problem.

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Not doin a good job of it so far

Vela can finish a team off just as easily as finley can

Frida can kill more than 1 hero and so can athena

Misandra as well

Even isarnia can kill multiple at the same point in a match that finley normally does

Iā€™m havin a hard time figuring out if this is all a serious rant of yours or if youā€™re just entertaining yourself in some odd fashion

Btw other games are off topic. Theyā€™re not even close to relevant to the conversationā€¦

Empires & Puzzles, Finley,ā€¦go

Youā€™re cherry picking and making this personal. Clearly youā€™ve forgotten who I amā€¦ or maybe youā€™ve forgotten yourself, either way, I donā€™t have time to be cyberbullied.

I hope you find everything youā€™re looking for out of this game and life in general, but when you see me and my post, donā€™t speak. Walk away knowing that Iā€™ll always do the same.




A discussion about a hero is cyberbullying?

You didnā€™t pull that card when we wouldnā€™t cave to your aegir tank demands

As far as ā€œpersonalā€ goes, you fired the first shot lol

Unfortunately no which is why we disagree constantly and pretty much always have

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Please rngesus!!! Let me get finley pleaseeeee!!!


Lets all just take a quick moment to simmer down & get back to the topic at handā€¦ Discussing Finley.

Reminder of the Forum Rules which prohibit:
1 - Vulgar & offensive Behaviour
4 - Posts which are uncivil &/or deliberately inflame, name and shame, or insult other players.
5 - Disrespect of players & staff.
14 - discuss or debate publicly any of the disciplinary actions taken by staff, moderators or support.


Yes he is very goodā€¦however nornally isnt a issue for me just like albie or mn or any other wing hero. Mistly becuase they normally take 2nd priority after tank. Only time ill get hit by him is if u have super killer flanks like ursena and jabs that i want killed first

Definitely a better wing than Alasie though, right?


First Finley should be nerfed. Since I dont think they will, they should at least make it real his damage againt riposte.

Sometimes Finley has low health, even so he can damage all 5 heroes, do tons of damage and only dies afterwards. Just make it so for evey damage he makes on riposte, it counts on him. That way he maybe can kill himself and not do more damage than it could be.

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Obviously Finley is strong and needs adjusting of playstyle, but for some of my flags in war I deliberately am chasing teams with Finley as I know that him in the wing is almost guaranteed am fighting one hero less which is huge at 4600+ teams( Mitsuko - > suicide ).

Maybe I am strange but am more scared to go with Mitusko against Alasie than Finley ( as we are meeting +19 emblemed team the ranger talent is with quite high % ) Even if Finley pierces one of the 5 hits I know that i donā€™t need to bother with him as he will die, where i have been f*cked by Alasie piercing the reflect, not take any damage and i have lost a whole planning of the match. Absolutele love these days the teams with Finley and Vela in the same defense - 2 heroes less to worry about and mass suicide.

My personal experience.

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Your opinion is based on the only true counter for finley? What a shock that you dont worry about him, I would never have guessed.

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JF is a nice counter and ppl use him.
Inari aslo is high chance he hits nothing or misses most

But anyway shared my opinion, obviously fighting him without Mitsuko 4-5 war flags per war, somehow copingā€¦thatā€™s the beauty of the game - finding solutions and winning vs odds imo

@Guvnor @DaveCozy @yelnats_24 Do we know exactly how Finleyā€™s damage works? Does his attack percentage decrease by 50% with each hit?

Iā€™m not sure personallyā€¦ Could calculate it if you got screenshots of him in action and post:

  1. the order of hitting
  2. the defence of each hero hit (at the time)
  3. the attack stat of Finley (at the time).
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