Faline or Mica? Which one should get the darts?

I’m preparing for getting my 6th poison darts soon (I’m an optimist) and was wondering who should I give them to. Faline or Mica?

In terms of synergy, my only other Ninja is Cobalt while I have Eiora (maxed) and Bobo (still to be maxed) from the Circus Event.

As of the yellow line up I have (maxed) Uraeus, C.Vivica, Malosi, Joon, Roc, Neith, Leonidas, Devana, and Ranvir. Sitting at 3.70 I have also Musashi.

I’m leaning towards Mica but I believe some other point of view would really help me decide.

What do you think?

Faline definitely. Very good stats and special skills, and a great family bonus with Bobo and Eiora.


I think Mica is too passive! I would do Faline! Fast mana speed with 3 hit at 330 damage is rare in this game, most yellows that hit 3, are average speed and hit about 280. The -64% decrease in mana recuperation is a nice topping on the cake.
I have 4 5* Ninja’s, Cobalt, Mica, Garnet and Onyx, all at 4.80, but I never use Mica!


While I do agree that Faline is overall a better hero than Mica and if I would not know your roster I’d say to max her and I completely agree that the family bonus with Bobo and Eiora would be great, personally I’d do Mica considering your other Holy heroes.

This is because you already have a lot of damage dealers (although Faline would be the best of them all), but you only have one purely support hero - C Vivica and she is slow.

Mica is a very good support hero that will counter defense down very easily (you can charge her in 5 tiles I think on the first charge), will help your team survive with the damage share and on the second and third charge will increase your mana generation quite nicely.

Mica will complement any of your already existing Holy heroes. Faline would replace some of your already maxed hitters.

You would not go wrong maxing Faline either though. Just that I am a more defensive player and I like at least 1/3 of my heroes to be defensive support heroes. Plus Mica would bring more extra with her special skills, while Faline is primarily a heavy damage dealer.

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It might depend on your raiding style. I have Mica (+20 emblems) but, as I raid mono, I have struggled to find a good role for him in my raiding teams (by the time I’ve found the tiles for him, I’ve usually either won or lost). I could see him playing a good role in a mixed team though - one that relies more on buffs / healing to wear down the defender.

He’s invaluable on purple titans, so I still use him frequently there.

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Thanks guys. You gave me a lot to think about. I’ll ponder while waiting for the next Shiloh Desert quest …

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Do you consider C.Viv slow if she has the mana node and mana troops?

As far as I know, at this moment a slow hero cannot charge in less than 10 tiles (unless you have an extra mana generation bonus from your other heroes), while an average hero can charge in 9, putting it in the same league with a fast hero which charges in 8 or 7 tiles.

For me there is a significant difference between a slow hero and an average one.

I don’t think so, like I said mana node + mana troops

Faline 100/100 times

Even if u had the perfect roster, I would do Faline ahead of Mica. She hits 3 very hard at fast speed and mana debuff is insane. I use Mist a lot and i know how that mana debuff can hurt. Mica is useful if you have other 2 ninjas for the family bonus