Costume Fong or Mica?

Only have the mats to do one. I feel like I’d use Fong more but I have some direct attack holy already.

Other relevant yellows:
Odin, Uraeus, Joon, Hanitra, Griffin (not a 5* but still holds his own and has direct damage).

Other consideration:
I have Zircon who, if used in tandem and timed well, would make Mica’s special undispellable (but still overwritable).


Mica is not worth the darts, I use him against titans sometimes , most of the time he is in bench, not even using him in war attack teams, I suggest to level drake. I have few ninjas levelled but jade and mica is not worth of those ascension mats.

I don’t think Mica is so bad, but I would rather do Drake. He is fast, hits three reasonably hard and has the refreshable blind, I can see him easily taking Joon’s place in your team(s).

Here is a poll that might help:

  • Mica
  • Costume Drake Fong

0 voters


Mica and Zircon would be amazing as a support tandem. just gotta make sure the rest of the team has enough damage output to take the enemies out.

you seem to have a lot of yellow snipers, which is my problem with blues: so many snipers, not anywhere near enough AoE hitters. i can see the argument for Drake, but if i were in your position, i would max Mica without hesitation.

niche but underrated feature: in 5* buff booster tournaments where yellow is allowed, Mica gives +60% attack in 5 tiles because of the three buffs he gives.

ETA: you already have Hanitra. if you use her instead of Zircon (or in addition to, but gotta make sure that team can still do damage!), Mica’s 5 tile charge can give her free mana.