Events getting harder?

Anyone else have a tough time with this one? It took me 28 flags to beat epic final level. I normally run through these things easily. The boards were horrendous for me though. Line up a diamond for the color I need and would change. Can’t bieve it took me 28 flags to finish epic boss. Again, I normally run through all 3 stages with ease, but not this time around

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I thought they were all too easy. Everyone has a different board.

Honestly I find this event to be one of the easiest, but only by planning on the tile color change. What heroes were you using? For Epic I used Boldtusk, Wilbur, Falcon, Colen, Rockamush. If I see a surplus of the next tile color on the board, I pass other tiles waiting for the element change. It’s a different approach than other challenge events for sure, but planning 5 moves ahead seemed super helpful to me.


I got screwed with tiles. It was bad.

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Im beating epic with just rares. I got up to stage 10. I love the changing colour part. It allows me to run a mono green team with Grevle and Dogoon and dont be afraid to run out of tiles because i can re arrenge the board expecting the colour change.


Don’t get me wrong, I finished all 3. Rare and legendary were easy, for whatever reason, epic kicked my teeth in

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Epic was tough. That last level in particular because Zuri healed for an insane amount.


Same for me. I beat legendary and rare in the first try, no problem. But epic was like a thorn deep in the a*s. Zuri is clearly OP as a boss, healing instantly and approx 2000 hp for the ally with less health…

Most of you that have trouble with Epic probably simply lack decent amount of emblems on their 4*.

I used the same team for Epic as I did for Legendary - 4* blue S1 with Wu Kong as an additional buff. Neither was too big of a problem.

Idk if emblems are the problem. I have 0 3s emblem heros and ran through that easily. Think I just got screwed tile wise. I have a decent rostee. Not deep by any means, but


I also found Epic last stage a bit tougher compared to other challenge events - though initially I ran Kiril +19, Grimm with CB +19, Triton +6, Nordri limit broken +15, and Wu CB +7

then i switched to Boldtusk CB +19, Gormek CB +19, Lancelot +19, Scarlett +12, Carol +20 and had a much easier time. Still a bit tough, but everyone survived fairly easily. Well except poor frail Lance, but he revived so…

“Not deep” roster: :rofl:

Are there even any 4* that you’d like to get?

Wow, nice, you’ve got eveyone, their mother, their mother’s bestie abd her cat here! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I have done rare and epic easily , the issue is that autoplay can screw you.

After over 3 years of playing, this is not a deep roster. Take a look at what whales have and they essentially dump on what I got.

Okay. I guess we can agree to disagree, since I think your roster is pretty deep. :wink:

No need to compare your roster to the big spenders imo. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I had problems with Legendary. Not sure if it was because of my heroes (I think it wasn’t - Heimdall at 3.70, Frigg, Fogg, Elradir, Caedmon) or because of my bad tile play or simply because I was unlucky. It happened fairly often that I was getting the “next” colour tiles while my heroes were of a certain colour. And basically I had no moves but to get rid of the tiles that were next in the rotation and then the cycle repeated.

Of course it might have been also because I tried to play without battle items. In the end I beat Legendary after I tried two times unsuccessfully to play the last level without battle items (or started to use them only after Heimdall was dead).

Nah…let me reword. It took a lot longer to beat that last epic battle than I thought because of Zuri’s crazy heal. It wasn’t “hard”, just took a while.

Yes, it seems to me like the new events are getting more difficult. The aether events in particular are hard enough that half the time I haven’t been able to pass the last stage, even after multiple attempts using different hero combinations (we’ve had four aether events so far, and I could only pass two of them).

For this circus event, I was able to pass epic on the first try with Costume Melendor, Buddy, Caedmon, Hansel, and Peters (all with full emblems), although my time on the last stage took noticeably longer than the stage before. I had a harder time with the last stage of the legendary difficulty, but on the third try I used Raffaele, Kiril, Grimm, Richard, and Magni and was finally successful.

For some perspective:

After about two and a half years of playing, I have a total of ten five star heroes who are not from season one. Enough of those are recent additions that only three of them are up to level 80 so far. As for season one five stars, I mostly have whichever ones came out of the training camp first–not necessarily the best ones, although not necessarily the worst ones either. (I’m finally starting to get some of my hero academy trades leveled up, but only within the last week or two.)

In the mean time, I’ve had to make due with what I had, so I often need to rely on four-stars to get me through even the Legendary difficulty of events. I emblemed a couple dozen of the best four star heroes (as of the end of 2019) in order to get me up to 30 war heroes that were approximately at the power level of an un-costumed, un-emblemed level 80 five star.

Since out of necessity, in the past I’ve often had to play the legendary difficulty levels using mostly four-star heroes, to me the epic levels seem easy by comparison. The only difference (until fairly recently) was not being able to use four star troops, super healing and mana potions, and the occasional five star hero that was actually battle-ready (such as Leonidas).