Then id like to max mist on yellow but im missing only 2 orbs to finally Ascend Joon
Regarding my other 5* i dont have the mats as you can see to max them asap. Should i Focus on any of the epics i have on 3/60? Which are the best ones ?
Thanks in advance
Pd: i have not attached some heroes that i have duplicated but in first ascension. X2 Grimm, gormek, colen, li xiu
Purple: I think Grimble 3.70 is sturdy and great as additional utility, and also Aeron is also great avarage healer, with bonus undispellable immune nearbly. 2nd Rigard is also great for wars.
Yellow: I agree Joon is great solid sniper. Mist is very good. Kvasir is very good for turney bloody battle.
Blue: Triton is great sniper with high att stat (solid blue sniper). Richard is also great for tank candidate.
Green: Gadeirus is great, I use him for my green stack in attack war, because some how my oppponent have use so many blue tank so far. And also variety usable great in Rush Attack turney. Then maybe next is 2nd Melendor, because you already have the costume, I also want to level my 2nd Melendor later.
Red: Grazul and JF are great utility, but I prefer Grazul. And 2nd Boldtusk plus costume bonus stat is great. Namahage and Ei-Dunn is solid for turney and event.
Rigard#2 (uncostumed rigard works great with aeron)
Sonya#2 (if you have another one)
You’ve got some great 3s that can work well in events and raid tournaments too. I’m not familiar with all of them, but maxed Namahage, Kvasir and Nordi.