Bit of a text wall but really appreciate some opinions and helps
So i’ve been bombarded lately with some great heros and i just need some help to make a few decisions( completely f2p so keep that in mind regarding ascending mats ect)
who’s the priority in my 5s? Im working on edwin and then leonadis but i’ve put skargremar on hold for now and i only have enough to fully ascend one hero out of my three purples so who’s worth it?
I’m lacking some serious depth so most of my 4s i’ll keep. i’m just not too sure about some like captain of diamonds.also would appreciate knowing who to prioritize
Luna is your best hero by far. She is one of the best heroes in the game as tank or flank. Other good ones are Edwin, C2 Leonidas (the one equipped) and C2 Obakan (the vampire version) so I would prioritize those. It is also worth it to 2LB Li Xiu with costumes.
5* - Finish Edwin then do Luna next. Leonidas after that. Obakan after Leonidas. Stop working on Skargremar. You’ll only regret giving him rings
4* - All keepers except Mireweave. You won’t miss Mireweave
Captain of Diamonds is great for removing minions though Gormek has a costume which could be considered better.
Jackal is great against purple titans and in yellow stacks in general.
Rigard is a cleansing healer while Melendor dispels. Which do you value most? You should do them both either way.
Sonya is a good dispeller. If you manage to get her costume it will help her suvivability and make her a cleanser instead if required
Bogart gives a decent def down as does Gormek
Dizzy looks very useful
Cyprian is a good tank if you can nab her costume
All good heroes except for Mireweave
3* - All keepers. Finish the ones you have already started then Shrubbear, Yona, Edelaide & Pixie should be considered for priority status
Would you say yona is a better overhealer than rekhetre?
Rekhetre is my main one but her overheal is a buff so it can be dispelled while yona overheals instantly.
But her’s is also a coin flip since half the time she’d decrease enemy’s max health instead but it’s also fast instead of average .her stats are better imo especially the family bonus, replacing defense down with defense up helps a lot for a 3s to survive.
So i’m really torn😂
He is the only hero you have that can kill minions, I would say rather high priority.
Best 4 stars: Bogart, Jackal, Dizzy, Melendor
Best 3 stars: Zarola, Shrubbear, Boots
You can get rid of Kelile, since you will get her again later with the costumes, she will be worth it then, but not now. Mireweave is also not great. The rest is worth leveling and I would keep.