đŸ§Ș Early Information on the June 2020 HOTM (Raffaele)

I say thanks but NO thanks on him

He has his normal slash attack, which isn’t much, so yeah, I totally understand your point with the Resist.

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After this trashy HOTM we got another combo

Noocb, Zoccke (maybe not so much joke anymore after bit of buff) and Bye Yeong

Getting REALLY close to release here, folks. Hope SG took the beta feedback seriously and have either bumped his mana speed and dropped his effects slightly or have somehow improved his effect. Pretty unlikely since feedback was left unaddressed and Raff hasn’t seen beta since March/early April, if I recall correctly.


guess SG or the Beta people really didn’t care about this character. he’s still stuck just being a healer without any buffing, and with a useless innate ability.

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Hero is now live, pleas continue discussions on the live Raffaele thread:

For discussion about balance changes:

Lets also leave Beta testers out of your criticims
 They are volunteers who make FEEDBACK
 SGG choose to read & implement or ignore this feedback as they make all the DECISIONS.