Agree with others that for a non-damaging-Special support hero, the atk/def stats really would seem to need to be flipped.
Also? This hero feels… really niche for most folks. As in, even if I got one of these heroes as-is, say, even already fully leveled and emblemed for free, how often would I use her and when? I don’t exactly have a sprawling roster but having her around (much less investing the time and resources to level/emblem/possibly LB her) primarily for, say, GHippo feels like an example of opportunity cost: I could be working on and using someone else who would bring more use to my roster.
Given that the “steal mana” portion of her Special brings up comparisons to the excellent R&N, it seems like maybe allowing Ithar to steal a bit higher % of mana might not be unwarranted.
And/or, perhaps, if she is going to pull off a truly Stupendous Break-In?
- Allow her to steal undispellable buffs.
Then she’d still be niche but at least expand that niche by allowing her to do something ordinarily very difficult to otherwise do, even to a single target.
I kinda feel like, currently, this HotM is a “everyone has been saving EHTs for Kalevala” hero, and opens the question as to whether F2P/C2P folks should be weighing the chances of getting this HotM against those of getting September’s Khufu-lite.