I actually prefer costumed boldtusk over the base boldtusk because his healing is higher.
But do you agree that 100+ heal per turn is rather pathetic, thatâs 1.5 slash attack heal per turn, and at most can only help vs Velaâs DOT. GMâs DOT will burn right thru that plus damage.
Formally there are minions to soaked up the damage but mionion heal has been nerfed from 277 to 200, and that is about 2 slash attack, or less than GM and Velaâs initial attack.
Otherwise, removed Telluria which bothers so much and in compensation, exchange it with those who have Telluria by Clarissa hero of this month and this at the same level as each one individually !!! ??
I feel like current Telluria is perfectly balanced, so well done.
With respect to Vela she is too weak for attack now, her damage is too low as they completely cut off one part of his special (extra damage). I propose to bump her dot to 250 in four turns or the current 208 in three turns and no extra damage to red, so that way the synergy against red stacks on defense is weaker and she can also be useful in offense.
With mana troops it is like 150 HoT per turn. Base value is 137 per turn (on par with Puss In Boots), which is slightly below average (153 per turn on Guin, Aeron, G. Gazelle and others).
Yes, it is 1.5 slashes per turn, or offset one DoT (either Vela or GM).
While I agree than more HoT is better, but I disagree than Telluria with current HoT is unusable.
I was OK with the first change; Iâm obviously OK with the heal-over-time being restored to its original amount.
I think Vela would be OK with a small damage bonus vs. fire, instead of NO extra damage. I feel like 70% was pretty extreme. Maybe instead of complete removal (a drastic change), perhaps bringing it in line with percentage bonuses of other similar effects would be more appropriate.
But Iâll still use Vela (who Iâm leveling now, sheâs at about 4-40) either way; I think her benefit and synergy with Telluria is still beneficial, primarily being the reduction of incoming damage from fire heroes, making red stacks against Telluria less likely to succeed if Vela fires before Telly dies.
If they want to nerf her -mana gen, just remove it.
But then buff her other skills to this:
Minions: 20% health, 15% attack.
Hot: 600 in 3 turns.
Damage: 185% damage +15% more damage for each dead hero on the field for both enemies and allies, stacking to a maximum of 305% damage if sheâs the last one standing.
Remove the elemental link.
Making her okay at a bunch of things like this is ridiculous.
Telluria was good in her original release form because she did a bunch of things pretty well.
Nerfing any of those things makes it so they would be better of removed and other parts of her buffed.
I think great on Telli like thisâŠVela is still overnerfedâŠwould not mind if atk down gets deleted or nerfed but extra damage needs to come back min. at Gravemaker niveauâŠlike this she makes almost no damage on emblemed 5* stars on offence. We have to consider also that in this form Vela gets stripped of emblems so the damage is much lower than now. Nevertheless Beta testers will provide good input. As @zephyr1 posted in the other thread it seems that they start hard and try to find the balance then. Great process til now.
In beta v2 her healing returns to original amount. 200 HP minions is not so fragile like MNâs. She heals pretty well and has a good tankiness too.
For me Telluria v2 is good hero.
And I think than Heimdall is better tank than Telluria v2.
I think the Telluria nerf is really good now, she needed to be pulled back a little without losing her main strengths as a tank and the HOT was part of that. Please give Vela back some of the extra red damage - 70% was probably a little too much, but 30% would be reasonable I think
There so many people who wouldnât have summoned for telluria if they knew that you were going to nerf her, same with vela.
Let players trade their heroes for any other hero in the game.
If they are strong enough to deserve a nerf that means you released the number 1 and 2 heroes in the game.
Let players trade them for any other hero in the game.
Unless of course youâre going to advertise the #1, and #2 hero in the game, people view their stats and then decide to summon for them, but then you nerf them below the #1 and #2 spots.
It doesnât matter how strong they were, it doesnât matter the debate. Once SGG is suggesting a nerf they themselves are saying these are the 2 best heroes in the game.
That means if they give out a token that lets players swap them for any other hero in the game it should be fair.