🧪 Early Information on ROUND 1 Telluria & Vela Balance Updates [Part of The Beta Beat v30]

Vela would be too weak after that remove.

Right now her extra damage is +70% against red. This is way too much considering her mana speed, hitting 5 targets and extra damage applying to 2 types of damage.

See my guide:

Guide "Increased damage against elements - how much?

The new proposed value is +0%. Too weak in my opinion.

Comparing to other heroes I propose a value of +30% instead of +70%. The usual value is +40% mostly to average mana speed. Vela is fast, hits 5 and as 2 types of damage…so I would decrease it further. +30% seems an appropriate value which is still a bit more than GM with +25% at very fast speed.

Vela +30% against fire…will still be strong but not as OP as it is now.

Pls game designers…listen.