šŸ§Ŗ Early Information on ROUND 1 Telluria & Vela Balance Updates [Part of The Beta Beat v30]

I donā€™t post much, but nerfing is just a waste of time. Level the field with heros that counter telluria. SG is becoming a complete scam team.

The nature of this game is WAITING, and when we finally get enough resources to ascend a 5* in a color, we think long & hard on what to devote those ā€œIMPOSSIBLE to get matsā€ on. So when you alter that plan in any way, you are altering a month+ of planning & TONS of $.


Prefer to uninstall the game and go to other more serious platforms where those who spend money are taken into consideration ā€¦
the Telluria case was handled badly from the start, to the detriment of all those who spent so many euros to get it and then weaken it ā€¦ thanks to empires they blame the complaints, top100 but the fault is yours (no beta test ), you have collected many euros now you weaken it ā€¦ On my side you will no longer see a penny, also because the wolf loses his hair but not his vice. ā€¦ goodbye


Vela would be too weak after that remove.

Right now her extra damage is +70% against red. This is way too much considering her mana speed, hitting 5 targets and extra damage applying to 2 types of damage.

See my guide:

Guide "Increased damage against elements - how much?

The new proposed value is +0%. Too weak in my opinion.

Comparing to other heroes I propose a value of +30% instead of +70%. The usual value is +40% mostly to average mana speed. Vela is fast, hits 5 and as 2 types of damageā€¦so I would decrease it further. +30% seems an appropriate value which is still a bit more than GM with +25% at very fast speed.

Vela +30% against fireā€¦will still be strong but not as OP as it is now.

Pls game designersā€¦listen.


Iā€™m more losing it over the time, resources, and $ spent into a hero that will become a bench warmer. When you release a hero in this game, it shouldnā€™t be made worse simply due to how difficult it it to accumulate the resources to max it. Itā€™s putting players in a no win scenario.

I agree 100% with you.

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No more gem purchases or HOTM rolls for me. Just gonna nerf them anyhow if people feel they are ā€œtoo overpowered.ā€

Oh wait we want a rebuffed Throne insteadā€¦wait no thanks.

A disclaimer should be posted after release stating these finalized versions can be nerf anytime we see fit. Let the newer crowds know so people wouldnā€™t be inclined to waste their money on a hero they attempted, worked for, and built there roster up too.

You know what I do if a GTV defences pops up on my raids? I hit ā€œre-roll.ā€ Not complain about them and make this already RNG luck game even worseā€¦


Just nerf her mana reduction and leave the rest alone. Or make her slow. Thatā€™s all that is needed. Making such drastic changes is a horrible idea.



So I can kill the biggest, baddest Telly with a mono red team with just 4 tiles. Team is BT+19, Wilbur+18, Mistuko+9, Azlar+18, and Scarlett+19. Even a +20 Telly goes down with 4 tiles.

The problem is mono is a thoughtless process. Either you get the matches or you donā€™t. No real skill, all luck. And with no Zim, no cleanser.

I just did a raid with that team against Kunch+18, Vela+17, Telly+11, Joon+19 and Lianna+16.

Opening board was not bad. 3 tiles directly into Telly, only 52 hp left. Problem is, the next 3 match of red hits Vela. Still ok if I can get another match. Work the board to set up a red match and Telly fires. Make another 3 match (which now makes 9 total) but with the mana hit, Mits canā€™t fire. Typically, 9 tiles and Iā€™m good, but not with the -34%. Vela fires after that and itā€™s game over.

If there was no Vela could I have recovered? Maybe. If Mits fired would I have been ok? Probably. But once Telly fired, I was screwed.

I donā€™t like mono stacks. With a good board I can take that red team and obliterate a full blue opponent. Itā€™s like cracking an egg with a sledgehammer when it works. Itā€™s a blunt force instrument. Itā€™s hit or miss. Itā€™s no fun.

Just my opinion from facing them. Donā€™t own either so nerf or no nerf, I will take my best shot.


Either wayā€¦ @THAT_Guy your roster will have this happen

Understand the implications

Either you pay for more OP heroes. And more OP heroes to counter those OP heroes. Pay even more. And when season 4 heroes come your Telly will be worthless anyway.
Along with all the rest of your labored roster. Congratulations you will get what you asked forā€¦

They are choosing balance instead. They are choosing to correct a mistake. I donā€™t see all beta testers bawling. Only a handful who didnā€™t get their way are having tantrums. Most beta testers were asking for this before release. Sad that this mistake happened butā€¦

They are choosing the best path for correction!

Donā€™t drink these tears! They are poisoned by greed. Which makes most of them liesā€¦


They dont give a fā€¦k about your big spend loooolll, they have enough players to spend and trust me the money comes from 99 procent who spend a bit not from 1% big spenders, im fine with her nerfed and its still a top tank im not fine with vela though


This one must not have a Tella or Vela. Funny how those who are for balance make the wildest assumptions they are the majority.

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Vela strength is not damage. Donā€™t worry her place is still at green tankā€™s side

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And what about that fast Mana in def position? That goes way to fast if you in attack role? That should be taken down. That heroā€™s already getting Mana by getting hit also for free when they not getting hit and get Mana when they hit?ā€™ Are you kissing? 3 chances to get Mana and in the attack role you only get Mana when you play the color?! Explain this!!! The whole balance since the last 4 patches is out of control!!! The new heroā€™s have 5+ abilityā€™s and the old ones? Some just have the basics! They have no chance. What is wrong in this game???

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Unfortunately I donā€™t have permission to upload a video here, to show the devs what ā€œover poweredā€ heros they wanna nerfā€¦

Your arguements died right thereā€¦ check the top 5 global (yes there is vela in every team 1-5ā€¦ even further) and 4 of 5 are past 1410hp and 4 of 5 is past 800defā€¦

SG it is ur game and u can balance every hero u want. But for most players, who paid for a card with orign stats, it is a breach of contract. I got her the last 3-4 days before new Hotm released; with the planing ā€˜balancingā€™ hero for u and destroying a hero for me i wouldnt spend any cent for her. I have Guin, Kunchen and Ursena so all good tanks in game and spend extra money for telluā€¦so i am very disappointedā€¦if i buy a car with 500 hp, no manufacturer will change after 2 month the power down to 400hp with sw-update bc only 50mph is allowed and other car owner have cars with 100hpā€¦i dont care bc ive paid for 500hpā€¦the game should go forwards otherwise people will lose trust in this game.


This is fraud. If SG scams me with this nerf, i quit. Breaks my heart, but i feel betrayed by the developers.

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Can I expect to get a refund of gems or tonics because this completely different from the hero I intended to pull for.

This doesnā€™t resemble Telly at all. Why donā€™t you just remove the damage and give us back the HoT and minion attack and health? Jumbling her with abilities like damage that donā€™t make sense with her intended role is silly. She is a tank, and a support hero.

Make her like Guin, no damage, and purely defensive/utility.


Way to go SGG, NOT!

You destroy f2p and c2p player base, ppl that wait like 6 months for asc mats and now its blown away for nothing, really this is a joke. If you go through with this all that ascended telluria and vela should get refund of asc. mats, food and iron and feeders, like if this is tell version id rather go with kadilen lol.
But really this is a joke, lets nerf heimdall, guin, ursena, finley, GM, jabberwock, tyr, etc. it will bring more ā€œbalanceā€?


She already have no dmgā€¦