🧪 Early Information on Round 1 of Wild Cat Heroes [Part of The Beta Beat v75]

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This thread is to provide early insights and discussion on the initial release of the Round 1 of Wild Cat Heroes.

Don’t get too attached

Details from Beta, especially brand-new Beta content, don’t tend to be very reliable for actual release.

It’s incredibly common that features are changed during Beta testing, or sometimes even after testing but before release. That is, after all, the purpose of Beta testing.

So I wouldn’t get too attached to any of this — it’s not unheard of for entire portions of features to be removed or reworked, or for radical changes to functionality to be made.

:tophat: Wild Cat Heroes

There are a total of two (2) new heroes added to Beta for testing; these have been indicated to be for Birthday Summon.

*The names of the new heroes are: Leonie, Rajesh

These heroes will be available in the Birthday Summon portal in 2025.

:hugs: Family Bonus

Wild Cat family:

5 :star: – Legendary Heroes

  • Leonie - Leor Survivor
  • Rajesh - Gourmand Tigris Chief

Leonie -- Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)

Leonie – Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)

Rarity: Legendary/5*
Gender: Female
Power: 1170

Attack: 1308
Defense: 1100
HP: 1996

Class: Rogue
Element: :leaves: Nature (Green)

Mana Speed: Fast
Family: Wild Cat
Aether Power: Special Boost

Passive: Nine Lives

  • When defeated this character has 75% chance to revive at the begining of their next turn with 50% health and 75% mana.
  • Activates up to 9 times. Chance to revive is reduced on each activation. Can’t be prevented with status ailments on Passive Skills.

Passive: Cattitude Trait: Lithe Frame
This character has innate resistance against

  • Status effect buffs, that affect defense.
  • Status effect buffs, that affect dodge.

This character is not affect by effects that increase or reduce defense.
This includes

  • Status effect buffs and ailments.
  • Positive and negative stacks.
  • Growth and Wither effects.

Special Skill: Claws of the Lioness

  • Super Scartch: Deals 240% Clawing damage to the target and nearby enemies. Enemies with Minions or Mega Minions receive extra damage, and lasting -30% defense. (Deals 360% damage against enemies with Minions or Mega Minions. Enemies with Minions or Mega Minions receive -30% defense for 5 turns. )
  • The target and nearby enemies receive lasting 300 1500 Surge bleed damage every turn over 5 turns.. If a target already has this effect, damage will be increased by 50, up to 600 damage in total. (This effect lasts until it is cleansed or removed.) (If the target already has this effect, the duration will be refreshed and the damage will be increased by 250. Maximum total damage: 3000.)

Rajesh -- Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)

Rajesh – Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)

Rarity: Legendary/5*
Gender: Male
Power: 1170

Attack: 1279
Defense: 1137
HP: 1998

Class: Druid
Element: :fire: Fire (Red)

Mana Speed: Average
Family: Wild Cat
Aether Power: Defense Up Fiend Resist

Passive: Nine Lives

  • When defeated this character has 75% chance to revive at the begining of their next turn with 50% health and 75% mana.
  • Activates up to 9 times. Chance to revive is reduced on each activation. Can’t be prevented with status ailments on Passive Skills.

Passive: Cattitude Trait: Lithe Frame
This character has innate resistance against

  • Status effect buffs, that affect defense.
  • Status effect buffs, that affect dodge.

This character is not affect by effects that increase or reduce defense.
This includes

  • Status effect buffs and ailments.
  • Positive and negative stacks.
  • Growth and Wither effects.

Special Skill: Royal Meatball Buffer

  • Cleanses all status ailments from all allies, and increases all allies’ mana by 5% for each cleansed ailment.
  • All allies bypass defensive buffs with their attacks for 4 turns. If any defensive buffs are bypassed, the attacking ally’s mana is increased by 10%. (Defensive buffs include counterattacks.)
  • All allies resist new negative mana effects for 4 turns, and their mana is increaed by 10% 15% for each resisted effect.
  • Safely cleases all status ailments from all allies, and increase all allies’ mana by 5% for each cleansed ailment. (Safe cleanse bypasses secondary effects, such a damage on removal, fom the remove status ailment. External effects such as passive skills and family effects can still activate.)
  • Stack (Max: 10): All allies get +30% attack.

:mantelpiece_clock: Beta Updates

  • February 13, 2025 – added for first look testing.
  • February 25, 2025 – balance update for the new heroes

:link: Related Threads


Hahahaha Cattitude…yessssssssssss. My all-cat defense team is getting some new life, out with Zimkitha & in with Rajesh :cat2: :cat2: :cat2:

@PlayForFun there’s a “Beowulf Heroes” reference up top, think it needs to be changed. Thanks buddy, appreciate all the great info you post

Next round of bards - reduces the chances of revival including for enemies whose chance of revival can’t be reduced


Thx, I have fixed it.

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Is this a joke? :joy:


yes we hope hhha
crazy ability :grimacing::grimacing:

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Is there a hero that deactivates passive abilities?
Also I’m curious how this passive will work with a fighter talent skill (if there will be a wild cat with that class).
If a wild cat dies after multiple revivals and then it will be revived by M. North, will the passive skill activate again and give up to 9 more revivals? :joy:


This was one of my first thoughts. Like imagine this with Sable and Astrid if they get a new set of lives. It would never end

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Well, if with Fighter’s talent you see them revive 4 or 5 times quite regularly, it’s almost a fact these kitties will revive 9 times always.


I guess one of following events will include this guy then:


What the hell :fearful: (9 revives) :skull:

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Let them revive and go Insane :sweat_smile:


It’s funny the newest heroes and war types focus on what frustrate players most. Insanity, more RNG luck that every and reviving. A hero with the potential of reviving multiple times is rage quit bait.


These two look strong, can hardly imagine what later iterations of the family will be able to do.

Reviving with a revive that cannot be impeded by passives. Wow!

Leoni with lasting Bleed and possibly lasting Defense Down. This will melt teams fairly quickly. Teams with Leoni just need to stay alive for a while as the opponent dies off.

Rajesh needs allies to do damage, he just allows for the defense buff bypass, a mana granting buff and gives an attack Stack. Xiamara wishes she could fire onto him first but he has “Safe Cleanse”. It appears as though she could fire AFTER he fires and then any resisted mana ailments will trigger her 400 damage but that is starting to thread the needle a bit.
Snow White firing just before Rajesh would limit his impact but she is slow, he isn’t…ugh.

Am puzzled by the Cattitude Passive:
Is that Enemy buffs that affect defense and dodge or allied buffs?

Anyone understand it well and able to explain it to a simpleton?


If this ladies revive in bloody battle because of their passive, this would be like eg S3 heroes cannot heal over their passive, but others - let’s asume something wild - would have innate resistance against Insanity in an Insanity war :joy:

Wait a moment…


These two heroes are immune to defense and dodge buffs. I know for a fact that normal defense buff has no effect on them, and, for example, they are also immune to Swan Maiden’s dance that provides dodge. I don’t know if it also works for defense against special abilities and elemental defense.


So it means the cats could not get positive def / dodge buffs, to compensate for the 9 revives … hmmm /.:thinking:


And yeah I do not think that releasing heroes to destroy game balance again and again will make loyal players enjoy to play … I would rather think I should give feedbacks while I have a chance @Nb4powerup


Which marks (cat event

Owls, Wolves, Pets, Cats boring for me, I prefer to play with cards that look a bit more like people.

I wouldn’t bother chasing them at tiny odds in this birthday portal, they will most likely be in the following Covenant Portals.