🧪 Early Information on Birthday Summon Portal - 2025 [Part of The Beta Beat V75]

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This thread is to provide early insights and discussion on the Birthday Summon Portal - 2025.

Don’t get too attached

Details from Beta, especially brand-new Beta content, don’t tend to be very reliable for actual release.

It’s incredibly common that features are changed during Beta testing, or sometimes even after testing but before release. That is, after all, the purpose of Beta testing.

So I wouldn’t get too attached to any of this — it’s not unheard of for entire portions of features to be removed or reworked, or for radical changes to functionality to be made.

Birthday Summon

This summon includes a specially curated pool of Heroes with NO Classic Heroes.

Important note about the portal from Staff:

The portal does not contain any Season 1 heroes.
The portal contains a selection of heroes, and some are coming with their costumes.
It has a Double Chance Bonus similarly to Goblin Summon:

:warning: The featured heroes’ list is same as in 2024, but it is just a placeholder according to information from Staff.

Featured Heroes

There are 5 Featured heroes.

The two fixed Featured hero is the new Wild Cat heroes:

Placeholder list - Same as last time

The other 3 Featured hero can be selectable from a 20 hero list, which includes these hereoes:

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Phorcys Sha Wujing Christine Daae Fizzcoil
Gestalt Luna Myoin-ni Vaishali
Chang’e Brimstone Darkfeather Frond
Shaal Starwalker Hathor Farrah
Smarttongue Erlang Shen Quinn Sparklight

Important Note:

These heroes are not included automatically in the available heroes.
You will only be able to pull the heroes what you have selected.
So once you have pulled a featured hero, then it is adviced to change it to avoid pulling duplicates.

Available Heroes

Birthday Summon Portal currently includes the following Heroes:

:warning: The available heroes’ list is same as in 2024, but it is just a placeholder according to information from Staff.

Placeholder list - Same as last time

Some heroes are comes with costume, while others are not.

Event Legendary hero Epic hero Rare hero
Season 2 Ariel C, Ursena Agwe C, Danzaburo, Sumitomo C, Wilbur C Gato, Melia, Muggy, Namahage
Season 3 Odin Almur, Fura C, Gullinbursti C, Jott An-Windr, Ei-Dunn, Kvasir C, Nordri
Season 4 Dr. Moreau, Elizabeth, Prof. Lidenbrock, Xnolphod Gramps, Helo, Morris, Poppy, Vollermork
Season 5 Azmia Faiez, Rekhetre
HOTM Drake Fong C, Gravemaker C, Kingston, Malosi, Telluria, Vela
Challenge Events Dark Lord Cheshire Cat, Cillian, Garyas, Guardian Jackal, Kalø, Marcel, Raul, Waddles, Zhabog Edd, Gnomer, Guardian Bat, Guardian Lemur, Pixie, Ribbit, Shrubbear, Treevil, Vodnik
Seasonal Events Alucard, Francine, Krampus C, Mother North C Ana-Belle, Frank C, Itham Arman, Buster, Frosty, Joukahainen
Alliance Quests Franz, Kitty, Villiers Aderyn, Fawn
Tower Events Garnet, Milena Arges, Brontes, Sergei, Steropes Dante, Kornel, Morganite
Goblin Heroes Goldie
War of the Three Kingdoms Xiahou Dun General Yin, Li
Monster Hunter Heroes Cedar, Dawn, Greel

:warning: The available heroes’ list are not final.

Appearance Rates

  • Rare Hero: 71.0%
  • Epic Hero: 26.5%
  • Legendary (Non Featured) Hero: 2.0%
  • Legendary Featured Hero: 0.5%

For each summoned Legendary Hero, you will get another non-featured Legendary hero as bonus.


  • Legendary Hero of the Month: 1.3%

Bonus Birthday Cake

Summon 10 or more a Bonus Birthday Cake !

The cake may contains following items:

  • RARE and EPIC Ascension Materials
  • Limit Break Materials
  • Class Emblems
  • Trainer Heroes
  • Food Bundles

Cakes in stock: 30.

Summon Costs

The Summon Costs for Birthday Summon:

  • Single Summon: 400 Gems
  • Summon x10: 3400 Gems
  • Summon x30: 9400 Gems

For a full list of items currently in beta testing, as well as their related threads, please see:


I think the sad reality is that portals like Birthday and Black Friday, which (afaik) used to be considered the highlight of the calender year, are just a waste of time these date since 90% of the heroes they contain are severely outdated and not worth summoning for. Any gems spent on these would be much better spent in UT2 or Covenent.

Another consequence of excessive power creep


Not all costumed heroes have take in their costumes to this portal? That’s amazing!


Might as well remove all the old/outdated S2/S3/S4 heroes. They’re not worth 400 gems. Replace them with Astral Elves/Dwarves, Musketeers, Styx heroes (who seem to no longer exist), Masked Gods, and Festival II heroes that have costumes. Maybe throw in more Journey and W3K heroes and the few of those that also have costumes.


Musketeers, Styx heroes, Masked gods? Those are 90% heavily outdated…

For a birthday portal it should be newer heroes! Especially since heroes become outdated alot sooner than before :wink:


440 gems on these heroes, completely outdated and still without costumes? no thanks.


Yeah, I’m definitely not as excited about summons these days, as I used to be.

Echoing all the above about heroes getting left behind faster.


Well, the list is a placeholder, so there’s hope the final one will be much better, because…

Some heroes without costume?
Only S1 are out of the portal?
Could get really old heroes?
At that price?

Very underwhelming.


400/3400 gems for 1x/10x summon? Nah. Go back to 350.

400 is too much for random trash specially when we have better places to use gems now


I didn’t see this event in current calendar. Do you know when it will occur ?


At some point in March from the second week (earliest 10th when the update is forced) onwards.


Hard pass for me, even as a C2P. I pretty much have all the 3* and most of the 4* and the reality is those are what I am most likely to pull. So, no thanks.


Specially for 400 gem/ pull

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Not judging by placeholder lists, but last year it was very lame portal and it seems this year it won’t be any better.

Really, how is this better than Astral Beings portal, which has bad odds, but:

  • 0.9% Astral Being vs 0.5% Featured (last year non-featured were all meh);
  • Getting Astral Being warrants getting another one while here you get just another lame non-featured hero;
  • You can get coins for portal, which are far cheaper than getting gems;
  • Most of Astral Beings are actually worth a damn.

Same for Goblins/Garrison heroes.

Thanks, but I’d rather spend my gems in Cthulhu portal than here.


They were the only other “old” but not “OLD old”/abandoned heroes that I could think of. I think we should go back to just not having Birthday Summon and Harvest Summon.

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I don´t remember the details from last year, but I think it was the same idea, a pool of heroes for the non-featured heroes and a list to choose from for the featured ones?

Since the odds are 2% non-featuredand 0.5% featured, the contents of the pool are what´s most relevant and last year it was outdated junk. But if the portal is worth it or not, we´ll only know once we know the contents of the pool… Since they have put newer heroes than previously for example in fated summons, there´s at least a cance that they put also newer heroes in the pool this time… we´ll see


It was like that. They did increase odds for featured to 1%, but still. By far the worst of these special portals.

Who decides these low percentages ??? For any portal Don’t you think that %0.5 or even %1.3 -%1.5 is too little for legendaries for people who spend time or money in this game. I think it is a little brutal. I think it would be best for any of us to see the percentages around %10 for legendary heroes in any portal.


At least 5% and remove these classics from the portals and if they left them, include their fantasies. It’s extremely disappointing when you pull a legendary and a classic comes along that you get in CT10 or HA10, it’s brutal in that way.

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Personally I would prefer a 100% chance for legendary, but that´s not how capitalism works…

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