đŸ§Ș Early Information on Ninja Tower Event [Part of The Beta Beat v31 & V32]

He was being satirical @Drewrobi :wink:


What @Guvnor said.

I’m the monster that wants pov harder and has been begging for a real challenge.

POV should be Harder

I love this idea


You don’t need to use maxed heroes for early level.

Didn’t understood about the rewards. Are them going to be given just like in challenge events and tournaments? Using tiers? If so, no thanks. People who are already in top100 will be taking everything, again.

If the rewards are based on how far you go by your own, it’s cool.

Challenge events are so boring to the point i get sad everytime they show up (not criticism, just my personal taste. Not into repeating stages a million times) and I hope to have something different to play and get rewarded based on my efforts and not based in how much time I’ve taken to finish the event/item abusing from other players/luck in boards/monstrous amount of replays :confused:

I also hope to not have to climb to floor 7477477436337 to receive 1 herb and 2 epic troop coin


see above in the thread.

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I really hope that was sarcasm! :rofl:

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Exactly, what it is, not many would know he’s not a newbie and was only being satirical.

Mind you, the customized name is a bit of a clue! :rofl:

This sounds great. If I am reading it all correctly😄

Limited refill, no retry, heros removed after 5 curses, 100 levels, super buff to bench from level completion.

I do hope it sets toward individual rewards for each level. I wish we could reroll a reward with strikes. If all currency was available that would be awesome. Every 5 levels you get 5 strikes. First roll tavern coins -strike, second roll emblems- hmm strike, third roll tavern coins - damn it! Next level you know only 2 strikes left. Hunting for costume keys or challenge coins.

The tower is as much about survival and getting through the whole thing should be really tough with even top players going through the bench and needing the buffs.

That said some ninja heros would be cool. I think it would be difficult to get a skill set mix into the game at the moment without getting noise. Maybe an update next year.

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they may give 1 ninja hero for free (by choise of the player) upon winning the 100th lvl :stuck_out_tongue: even if they are only 2 could be nice something like this also if they have a unique ability that work if you use more copy of the same hero at the same time. I have no idea what could it be, but it could be a nice way to improve people using gems and maybe a new kind of token for ninja summon and if they give us 1 for free it would be much better :smiley:

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I bet that is reserved for top 1.


Has Ninja Tower gone in and out of Beta recently??? Updates anyone?

not in beta atm was in testing in June it’s a heavy WIP


Ok. Know I read somewhere that it would go into Beta in August but hadn’t heard anything. Thanks!

Well, the game they’re copying this from called it Ninja Tower, so they probably felt that was ok .

The tower idea comes from the old Bruce Lee movie, so I guess it won’t start any IP trouble since they’re changing things up just enough

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I really like the premise of this new addition, but I do have a question, with the caveat of it not being fully tested and subject to change, is there any way to guarantee that randomized curses are truly randomized to hit any of the heroes you bring. Let me explain further if I bring 5 heroes does each hero I brought have a 20% chance to be oni cursed regardless of being in the battle or do those odds change if a hero falls.

For example, I bring 5 heroes to the tower and through the course of the fighting I lose one. Do each of my living heroes now have a 25% chance to get cursed (100/4) or does it remain a 20% flat rate (100/5)? I apologize for the length of this question, but it is definitely something I am wondering about having read most of the posts here.

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This was asked in Beta & reported as a bug that a dead hero could still be “cursed”. I don’t think there was a concrete response from Devs about it
 Being so early in it’s development I don’t know if Devs have a concrete idea on the specifics of this question yet.

Stay tuned & maybe check in again the next time that the Ninja Tower returns to Beta.


Thank you @Guvnor for your response. I suspected that was the case and I am glad to hear it is on developers minds. I wasn’t involved in beta so I was wondering if it had come up.

Much appreciated and thank you for your time.

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If they haven’t caught any grief from Groot and Gandulf, I doubt the Ninjas will cause any trouble.

And even if they did, you wouldn’t be able to spot it - because they’re Ninjas, get it?

In the harder levels, the Ninja monsters should be invisible (and transparent to attacks) half the time, maybe rising to just 1 in 3 (like the monster chests in challenge events).

Beta Update

The Ninja Tower has returned to beta for further testing.

Summary of the changes (will update the OP to reflect this information)

  • Total Number of Levels reduced from 100 → 50 Stages

  • Oni Blessings offered every 5 stages are now FIXED for every player. No longer “random”.

  • Max number of Oni Curses on a given hero reduced from 5 → 3 curses

  • Ninja Heroes added as the bosses

  • All stage’s difficulty rebalanced

In addition to these changes, there are new Ninja Tower Heroes & Ninja Troops. See this thread for information: