I came here for some Salt!!
Does that actually work like that? I was thinking that the defense debuff would override J.F. and Grazul’s protection if it was from “friendly-fire”. I’m curious if anyone has tested. I mean I have J.F., so if it works like how you say it works, I would consider chasing some rabbit heroes.
Yes, If you fire JF before firing Lepus, Lepus does not get any defense down effect. Instead, he gets the defense up buff from JF. They have great synergy together. Same with firing Grazul first, Lepus does not get the defense down.
Great, I just wanted confirmation, because I wasn’t sure. I just hope that there are no future releases where this gets changed.
Yes, it actually does work out
You can test this scenario in the 3* level too – Gato will protect Sq. Wabbit from getting undispellable lowered defense after using his skill. I commonly see a Gato flank backed up by a Wabbit wing in 3* raid tournaments.
The same thing works when it comes to Grazul / Aeron + Killhare or M. Lepus (and any of the Springvale heroes for that matter).
On a related note, I expect Gato + Chick will be an insane offensive combo in the 3* level.
Just realized that Woolerton with full shield path will make a great 2 or 3 stack with Gazelle. Granted, Gazelle is average speed, but being able to block Woolerton from debuffing herself will be huge. A fast healer with 40% heal is already amazing.
I really hope I can pull her
Poseidon will protect Lady Woolerton too.
Killhare is basically The Rabbit of Caerbannog mixed up with Lola Bunny. And Easter Wolf could be called Master Lupus so we can make House MD jokes.
Edit: Anyway what do you guys think about Killhare being a tank (in raids, since in war it would be risky)? She has little smaller attack than Ursena, but more HP and defense, and her special’s defense debuff doesn’t affect her. She does not have reflect but she deals 280% damage all the time, which can be potentially devastating. Add in that she is a Fighter that has tendencies to revive in most inappropriate moment (read - with full mana) and things can get south pretty quickly for the attacker.
I’m really hoping for July’s HoTM release in beta before springvale ends.
To see whether its worth saving EHTs for sand empire
After Sir Roostley’s -20% atk down for 3 turns, as an average hero it will take at least 3 turns ( 9+ tiles) to charge him up again so it won’t affect him at all, right? He’d still have his 280% damage.
Plus, if you bring Poseidon and fire him off first, Sir Roostley’s special will be overwritten.
It will affect his tile damage during those turns you’re recharging his Special Skill, and in cases where you can charge him faster, like popping a Diamond, it could still be active when his Special Skill is ready again.
Poseidon protects against Mana debuffs, not Attack debuffs.
Is there any hero who protects against attk debuffs who would be useful in this situation?
Not specifically, but Grazul, Aeron, and Gazelle can protect against all debuffs; and Gazelle, Chameleon, and Snow White can all remove undispellable status effects.
For all those who are asking, the end time is April 20, 2020 3:00 AM EST.
And JF’s debuff reversal?
but that’s not attack down, that’s def down.
Oh oops, there I go again. Reading power shot this morning. Thanks for the correction.
It would be cool if a “Little Ram” avatar would be added in the shop
I don’t wanna attack those little rams, they are adorable!