šŸ§Ŗ Early information on new Santa's Challenge hero -- Mr. Pengi

Will he become meta blue on competing event ?

Crud ā€¦ homeless snowmen ā€¦ sailermoon dates Harry Potter magic heroā€™s ā€¦. How ya gonna mess up a penguin:pout: :joy:

The Christmas heroes have always been more than a little cartoon-y. (Havenā€™t seen the penguin yet, not in Beta, hope I donā€™t get a shock!)

I have posted the given damages above:

So the dealt damage disappears after 10th addiitonal damage.


OP. On fast mana? Needs to be average, or reduce the damage numbers.

I donā€™t think his sexual orientation has anything to do with it. He just looks like an uglier version of Johnny Bravo and Johnny Bravo was not harassing guys, whatever his orientation might have been :slight_smile:

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Beta Update:

  • The initial damage is increased from 400% to 450%
  • The additional damage is decreased from 170% to 130% (Note: Or 100% as Staff mentioned 100% in the Beta build notes, but we can read 130% on the card)
  • Damage dealt by additional hits now decreases less on each hit

Another strong hero seeing what Iā€™d consider to be an upgrade

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I think the additional hits should be around 115%. That way, itā€™s an in between on the noted and on the card itself

Beta update:

Staff has clarified the the additional damage is 130%.
So the 100% in the Beta release notes was a typo, and the hero cards contains the correct number in Beta.


How should we interpret ā€œThe damage is reduced on each consecutive hitsā€ now?

Previously I thought the consecutive hits would be dealing damage at c.170%, 85%, 43%, 22%, 11% etcā€¦

How about now? Correct me if am wrong on this.

Earlier each hit is decreased with 17%
So after 170% the 153%, 136% follows and we have reached 0% (1 damage) after additional hit 10.
I suspect now it is decreasing with 13% on each hit.
So 130, 117, 104, ā€¦


Since when there are penguins in North Pole?


Since when did reindeer fly?

Good observation though. I canā€™t believe it didnā€™t occur to me.

Alca torda are penguin, no?

Actually, they arenā€™t

True. In my language (french) alca torda are pingouins, in English no

Itā€™s not wording thing.

Alca Torda belongs to Charadriiformes order, while all of penguins belongs to, well, Penguins order. They are biologically different.

Aha! So then, I suppose if he looks kind of wrong for a penguin itā€™s because heā€™s really a razorbill. Or even the last living Great Auk. Very suitable. I withdraw my objections.

Itā€™S precisely wording things we are debating his nameā€¦ gueuuuh