šŸ§Ŗ Early information on new Santa's Challenge hero -- Mr. Pengi

When SG add them there :rofl:

Yes, there is never penguins in the North Pole. Not even in the past :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I found this

The word ā€œpenguinā€ first appears in the sixteenth century as a synonym for ā€œgreat aukā€. Although the etymology is debated, the generic name ā€œpenguinā€ may be derived from the Welsh pen gwyn ā€œwhite headā€, either because the birds lived in Newfoundland on White Head Island (Pen Gwyn in Welsh), or, because the great auk had such large white circles on its head. When European explorers discovered what today are known as penguins in the Southern Hemisphere, they noticed their similar appearance to the great auk and named them after this bird, although biologically, they are not closely related. Whalers also lumped the northern and southern birds together under the common name ā€œwogginsā€.

Reference : Great auk - Wikipedia

Yes, is the great auk first bird that get name ā€œpenguinā€. Then, the south pole explorers put that name on today ā€œpenguinā€ in the Southern Hemisphere. And then, when the great auk extinct, the today ā€œpenguinā€ steal its name :rofl:

Anyway, the great auk or Pinguinus impennis is not closely related to penguins. It is because of convergent evolution (Convergent evolution - Wikipedia).

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The name penguin come from alcinae pinguinus so alca torda is more a penguin than all the birds that english language call penguin.
French wording is the good one here

Ok so itā€™s what i say since the beginning. Alca are the real penguins. Itā€™s just that a english speaking dumb says in the past when they discover the black n white birds in the south hemisphere ā€œoooh look! They looks like the grand penguin so we will name them penguins!ā€


I am not sure but I think no. The word ā€œpenguinā€ first appears in the sixteenth century as a synonym for ā€œgreat aukā€ but I think not for Alca torda or Razorbill.

We know that ā€œgreat aukā€ close relate to ā€œAlca tordaā€ by modern mtDNA sequences analysis. But with morphological and biogeographical studies, we only know that it is ā€œaukā€ (Auk - Wikipedia). So, I am not sure. But I think no because not all ā€œaukā€ will be call ā€œpenguinā€. In that time, people donā€™t know that Alca torda is closest living relative of the ā€œgreat aukā€.

Wording is wording, but it donā€™t change the fact that Great Auks and Razorbills are more related to Puffins than Penguins.

Because of the wording, I think Mr. Pengi is actually the Great Auk not today ā€œpenguinā€. That is why he is in the north pole. SG just give his name ā€œMr. Pengiā€ but it doesnā€™t mean ā€œMr. Pengiā€ is today ā€œpenguinā€.

I just love to read about knowledge on penguins in SG forum (not being cynical here) :slight_smile:

Keep going guys, just include Mr. Pengi ever so often so we stay on topic :stuck_out_tongue:


I dont change neither. And itā€™s a fact auk was the first si the true penguins. Your penguins are not penguins because they are the secind one. They must have been called with another name. So itā€™s only logic, and iā€™m right, there is penguins in north. Latin name is the reference before english

I also found this :slightly_smiling_face:

Reference : Penguin - Wikipedia

So, it isnā€™t surprise that Mr. Pengi might really be ā€œtoday penguinā€ :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Edit : It look like there is someone really try to introduce penguin to north pole :rofl:

In 1936, a Norwegian polar explorer named Lars Christensen saw the potential for an Arctic penguin population. He plucked nine king penguins from South Georgiaā€™s beaches and sent them north aboard the SS Neptune . They were settled on the Lofoten islands, where they would be safe from foxes and other land predators. Over the next decade, other speciesā€™ of penguin, including macaroni penguins, were also introduced.
Their existence in the Arctic was short-lived, and the last time they were spotted was in 1949. No one is sure where they went or whether they managed to reproduce, but for a short time, a beautiful island in the Arctic played host to a small population of penguins.

Reference : Why are there no penguins in the Arctic? - Aurora Expeditionsā„¢

More Detail : Did you know that penguins used to live in Lofoten? | South Pole 1911-2011

maybe they pole vaulted back home?


The developers are in Finland I believe. Even if they are from a country close to the arctic, I do not think they have the knowledge or it is not their priority. So, like you, I think they put a southern penguin at the north pole.

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Wants to know why there are penguins from the north pole, but doesnā€™t care that gazelle, panthers, tigers and pandas are wearing human clothes.

The Guardians of Teltoc appear to be robot animals rather than normal biological ones, so the rules wouldnā€™t apply. The pandas are humanoid too. The only tigers I can think of are Fluffy, who is a circus performer so might well be partly dressed, and rare titans - there are Leors, who are part lion, part human. I guess completely made-up animals can live wherever they like! (Would you want to argue with Azlar?)

Nah, I think weā€™ve nailed it with Mr Pengi being a Great Auk. That explanation makes me happy anyway. An alternative theory is that heā€™s just paying a Christmas visit to his friends in the north.


Anyone else having Hard Times by Charles Dickens going through their head reading this discussion?

Nothing thatā€™s not in nature!!! :thinking: :upside_down_face: :rofl:

There is no Buddy in North Pole?

I guess itā€™s easier to find short man with white beard there than a penguin.

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have you seen Mr. Pengi?

he had to trek all across the globe for them gainz!

This hero is already released in 2021.
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